Main Content

Sheila Edwards Lange

Andrew Harris
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Mentha Hynes-Wilson
Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs

Sylvia James
Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

Patrick Pow
Vice Chancellor for
Information Technology

Tanya Grace Velasquez
Interim Vice Chancellor for
Equity & Inclusion

Amanda Walker
Vice Chancellor for Advancement

Ali Modarres
Assistant Chancellor for Community Partnerships

Joe Lawless
Chief Strategy Officer

Courtney Acoff
Interim Director of Government Relations

Leander Yazzie
Tribal Liaison

Anne Taufen
Faculty Assembly

Andrea Hill
Vice Chair,
Faculty Assembly

Armando Martinez
Staff Association

Holly Wetzel
President, Associated Students of UW Tacoma

K. Rachel Endo
School of Education

Natalie Eschenbaum
Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences

Rajendra Katti
Dean, School of Engineering & Technology/Chair of the Council of Deans

Altaf Merchant
Gary E. & James A. Milgard Endowed Dean, Milgard School of Business

Keva Miller
Dean, School of Social Work & Criminal Justice

David Reyes
Dean, School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
Interim Dean, School of Urban Studies

Noreen Slease
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor