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Pay online by viewing your statement or see the other options below.
If you see a CR on your tuition statement (e.g. $17.00CR) this means there is a credit balance; contact Student Fiscal Services for a refund. Do not pay if your balance shows a "CR".
Important: Only current quarter payments for tuition and fees can be accepted. Due to banking requirements, funds submitted in excess of outstanding balances may result in the payment being rejected and returned to the payer in its entirety. Excess payments may be rejected even if the extra funds are intended for use for books, off-campus housing, or other living expenses.
Web Check
Tuition and related charges may be paid online using your checking or savings account. A Web Check payment results in an electronic debit of your bank account. After the Web Check payment has been posted to your student account, it will be sent to your bank for processing. Depending on your bank, the transaction could take from one (1) to ten (10) business days to be deducted from your bank account. While the transaction can take up to ten days, payments post to your student account immediately and there is no fee for this service. Before making a payment, verify your account and routing number, and that your bank allows electronic debiting of your account.
Web Check Login
Students log in from the Tuition Charge Statement on MyUW. On your “My Front Page” tab click on the “Tuition Account Balance.”
Parents and other authorized users use the online tuition statement from the authorized users page.
Rejected Payments
If your payment is returned as unpaid by your bank for any reason, your student account will be assessed a returned item fee of $25. Late payment fees may be added if the returned item causes the account not to be paid by the tuition due date. Student Fiscal Services reserves the right to disable the ability to use Web Check due to returned items.
Payments may be returned by banks for many reasons including:
- lack of sufficient funds
- the use of an incorrect or invalid bank routing or account number
- the account has been closed or frozen
- the account is a non-transaction account
- the bank does not participate in automated clearing house (ACH) transactions
Need help making your Web Check payment? Watch the video and learn how it works.
Debit or Credit Card
Tuition and fees can only be paid by debit or credit card online. To make a payment, sign into your MyUW and select the "Credit Card Payment" option.
A convenience fee is added to these transactions.
Student Fiscal Services oversees this process.
Pay by Mail
Tuition checks should be sent via US MAIL* to:
University of Washington - Tuition
P.O. Box 3981
Seattle, WA 98124-3981
Scholarship checks should be sent via US MAIL* to:
University of Washington - Scholarships
PO Box 24967
Seattle, WA 98124-0967
*The P.O. Box can take regular mail, but cannot receive parcel service, such as FedEx, UPS or DHL.
Make your check payable to "UW Tacoma." Your seven-digit student number must be clearly written on your check. If your name is not printed on the check, write it on the front of the check. If you don’t know your student number, write your social security number on a piece of paper and enclose this with your check. The paper will be securely disposed of after your student number is located.
Note if the payment is for tuition, UW Housing or a Short Term Student Loan Payment.
Payments must be received by the due date. Payments received after the due date will be subject to late charges and/or holds on your academic records.

Pay by Drop Box
Payments can be placed in the drop box outside DOU 176. The drop box is stocked with pre-labeled envelopes. Place your check, made payable to UWT, into the envelope and be sure to provide the information requested on the label. Then drop it down the secure hopper, making sure it drops to the bottom. All envelopes are stored securely in the drop box until they are picked up on a regular basis. Once payment is processed, an email is sent to student's UW email address. Official receipts can be downloaded from the tuition statement accessed on MyUW.
A late fee will not be assessed to payments placed in the drop box by the due date.

The Tuition Payment Plan option allows students to pay their quarterly tuition in three installments.
The tuition due dates are always the first, third and fifth Fridays of the quarter.
International students have options to make their tuition payments by wire transfer. Contact Student Fiscal Services with any questions at 206-543-4694.
Reminder: UW Tacoma does not accept foreign deposits (checks from non US Banks) even when they are drawn in US Dollars (USD). Foreign checks, money orders, cashier's checks, drafts or currency presented for deposit that were not issued by a bank in the United States, including Canada, are considered a foreign item. Students are encouraged to use the International Wire Transfer for making their tuition payments.
The UW Tacoma Campus cannot process these types of indirect payments. This includes business checks from a non-family related business account. These checks must be processed as scholarship checks for tax-reporting purposes. If you are a student who is having their tuition paid via an employer, scholarship, loan or government-issued check or voucher, please go to Student Fiscal Services Scholarships.
Sending these payments to the UW Tacoma Campus will only delay processing and may result in late fees, as checks need to be rerouted to Seattle.
Contact Student Fiscal Services with any questions or for assistance at 206-543-4694 or
Scholarship checks should be mailed to:
University of Washington - Scholarships
PO Box 24967
Seattle, WA 98124-0967
Please have the sponsor include the following information with the check:
- Student name
- UW student number or social security number
- Quarter or academic year that the payment covers
- Sponsor’s full address, including fax and email address if available
GET is an IRS 529 Qualified Tuition Program that allows you to prepay for a student's college tuition today. It is guaranteed by the state for tuition payment in the future even if state university tuition charges increase and may be used at nearly any public or private college in the U.S.
Washington guarantees that 100 GET units will cover one year of full-time, undergraduate, resident tuition and state-mandated fees at the most expensive state public university. You may buy from 1 to 500 units for college tuition payments. Students may use 125 GET units in a year plus any unused units from a prior year. More information about GET is available on the UW Seattle Student Fiscal Services (SFS) site.
Note for UW Tacoma students: Because UW Seattle controls student accounts for all three campuses, UW Tacoma is not listed as an option on the GET website. You will need to select UW Seattle.
If you do not pay your tuition by the tuition due date, you will be assessed a late payment charge based on the amount of your outstanding balance.
- For past due balances of $250 and above, the late fee is $120.
- For balances between $50 - $249.99, the late fee is $50.
- There is no late payment charge for balances under $50.
Failure to pay your outstanding balance may result in a hold on your academic records and/or your account being referred to an outside collection agency, which will add additional charges.
For more information regarding late payments, contact Student Fiscal Services.
You can authorize someone else to pay your tuition by following the Information Release Authorization link after signing into your MyUW account and viewing your tuition statement.
UW will not release your tuition or loan account information to others, including your parents or spouse, unless you complete an online authorization information release. This is to protect your privacy.
UW Tacoma does not accept foreign deposits (checks from non-U.S. banks) even when they are drawn in U.S. dollars (USD). Foreign checks, money orders, cashier's checks, drafts or currency presented for deposit that were not issued by a bank in the United States, including Canada, are considered a foreign item.
How Payments and Financial Aid are Applied to Your Account
Payments are applied to charges on your tuition account in order of the charge due dates. For charges with the same due date, payments are applied first to tuition and related University fees and then to other charges on your account. You may request that a payment be applied to a specific charge. If making an online payment you can email to request your payment be applied to a specific charge on your tuition statement.
MyUW Payment Support
The online payment system is managed by UW Student Fiscal Services in Seattle. For any questions regarding your student account, contact UW Student Fiscal Services at 206-543-4694 or
Tuition Due Dates
The tuition due date is always the third Friday of each quarter.
The 2024-2025 due dates are as follows:
Quarter | Due Date |
Autumn | October 11, 2024 |
Winter | January 24, 2025 |
Spring | April 18, 2025 |
Summer | July 11, 2025 (all terms) |