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The Next Step Scholarship recognizes and rewards exceptional scholarly achievement at the community college level. The fund was specifically created to motivate top students at seven South Puget Sound community colleges to enroll at UW Tacoma. In bringing top community college scholars to UW Tacoma each year, the endowment hopes to achieve the following objectives: Improve the quality of the South Puget Sound regional workforce
- Strengthen the bonds between UW Tacoma and its primary transfer institutions
- Improve the classroom experience for all UW Tacoma students
The scholarship is primarily intended to help students pursue their degrees as full-time students. Part-time students may use their scholarship award over at most a three-year period.
Students currently enrolled at the following community colleges are eligible to be considered for a UW Tacoma Next Step Scholars award:
• Green River College
• Highline College
• Olympic College
• Pierce College Fort Steilacoom
• Pierce College Puyallup
• South Puget Sound Community College
• Tacoma Community College
Recent graduates from these institutions may also be eligible; however, they must have completed their coursework no earlier than September 1, 2024. Recent graduates who are already attending other four-year institutions are not eligible for the award. One student from each institution will be offered a Next Step Scholarship each year.
Students must be permanent Washington residents; international students are not eligible for this scholarship. There is a strong expectation that the student will have completed the necessary credits and other requirements to be admitted to UW Tacoma for autumn quarter 2025 to complete their baccalaureate degree. Should a prospective student accept the scholarship and then not qualify for transfer or enrollment, the award will be withdrawn and may go unfilled that year.
The student should also currently post a cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of no less than 3.5 (exceptions may be made for students who can show exceptional improvement over their last 45 credits). To be eligible, students must be pursuing their first baccalaureate degree, having earned a high school diploma (or equivalent) and subsequently enrolled in community college. Students who have already have earned a bachelor’s degree or are pursuing graduate study will not be considered for this scholarship.
If a student is selected, they will have three weeks to decide whether to accept the award. UW Tacoma reserves the right to offer the scholarship to other nominees should the first winner decline.
General Information
Open to: Students transferring from selected community colleges only
Award: $4,000 a year for two academic years
Application deadline: Each school determines its internal deadline dates for applications. Please contact your community college for deadline dates.