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The Center for Student Involvement is home to a variety of involvement opportunities for all UW Tacoma students - including Registered Student Organizations, the Student Activities Board, the Associated Students of UW Tacoma, Husky Volunteers, The Ledger, Tahoma West, Husky Sustainability Fund, and the Giving Garden. We also offer a variety of campus services, including free printing - color printing and paper included - for students. Our office is located on the first floor of the University YMCA Student Center in Room 107 - stop by today!
Be Purple. Be Gold. Be Involved.
Registered Student Organizations
Get involved with a student club or organization!
Service & Volunteering
Get involved through service on campus and in your local community!
Associated Students of UW Tacoma
Stay up-to-date with Student Government and get involved with the voice of students on campus.
As UW Tacoma's student involvement maestro, Conor Leary combines a flair for the programmatic with his desire to help students get the most out of their on-campus experience.
ASUWT President Holly Wetzel credits her experience at UW Tacoma for her personal transformation
Community advocate Dr. John Gaines will keynote the event with a talk on the theme of "Your Voice is Heard," and the Dream Awards will recognize work to promote equity, justice and civil rights.
ASUWT President Jai'Shon Berry took his mother's words to heart: renew your commitment every single day and work hard for it.
ASUWT President Andre Jimenez sees the pandemic as an opportunity to rethink the student experience at UW Tacoma.
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