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The Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics provides students with a strong theoretical foundation and practical applications to help graduates secure STEM-related jobs in the South Sound region. The program is structured so that you will see the three branches of mathematics: algebra, analysis, and geometry, and study one of these topics in depth. A two-quarter sequence of study in one of these branches is required, fostering a depth and maturity of mathematical thought in a modern context. The flexibility of this degree allows you to follow multiple pathways into the major and through the upper division courses while supporting your personal career goals.
Major Coordinators are Ruth Vanderpool and Zaher Kmail.
Note: Mathematics major students cannot minor in Mathematics.
Mathematics degree requirements
To meet the degree requirements for a B.S. in Mathematics, you need to complete 79 credits, including a completed mathematics capstone experience, and earn 25 mathematics community points. You must earn a total of 180 quarter credits, or 225 quarter credits for a double degree, in order to earn a bachelor degree in your chosen major.
For more information, contact an academic advisor.
Core Courses (49 credits)
A grade of at least 1.5 is required for TMATH 402 and TMATH 424.
- TMATH 124 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
- TMATH 125 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
- TMATH 126 Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
- TMATH 300 Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning
- TMATH 207 Introduction to Differential Equations (formerly TMATH 307)
- TMATH 208 Matrix Algebra with Applications (formerly TMATH 308)
- TMATH 224 Multivariable Calculus (formerly TMATH 324)
- TMATH 350 Mathematics Research Seminar (must co-enroll in TMATH 351)
- TMATH 402 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
- TMATH 424 Introduction to Real Analysis I (formerly TMATH 327)
Extended core (5 credits)
The extended core requires one of the two classes listed below, with a minimum grade of at least 1.5.
- TMATH 403 Introduction to Abstract Algebra II
- TMATH 425 Introduction to Real Analysis II (formerly TMATH 328)
Electives guaranteeing breadth of knowledge (20 credits)
A total of 20 credits must be taken and each area requires a minimum of three credits and at least one class. No more than 5 credits can be satisfied by a course numbered below 300. No more than 5 credits can be satisfied by TMATH 495 or TMATH 496, TMATH 498, or TMATH 499. Note that a class may satisfy two elective areas which will afford students the promised flexibility to tailor their studies toward their desired career goals.
Area: Computing
- Required: A minimum of three credits and at least one course:
- TMATH 210 Intermediate Statistics with Applications (formerly TMATH 310)
- TMATH 390 Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Science
- TMATH 412 Cryptography or TCSS 487 Cryptography (may receive elective credit for one class only)
- TME 311 Computational Physical Modeling II
- TESC 430 Environmental Modeling
- TBGEN 210 Computer-Based Business Problem Solving
- TCSS 142 Introduction to Programming
- TCSS 143 Fundamental of Object-Oriented Programming Theory and Application
- TINST 310 Computational Problem Solving
- TINST 311 Database Management and Data Analysis
Area: Math in Culture
- Required: A minimum of three credits and at least one course:
- TMATH 420 Math History
- TCSS 325 Computers, Ethics and Society
- TMATH 473 Math, Power and Society (formerly TEDUC 473)
- TURB 225 Statistics for Urban Analysis
- TWOMN 211 Women in Science (formerly TEST 211)
Area: Modeling
- Required: A minimum of three credits and at least one course:
- TBECON 420 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- TPHYS 122 Physics- Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion (formerly TESC 122)
- TESC 430 Environmental Modeling
- TESC 490 Special Topics in Environmental Science
- TMATH 172 Mathematics for Teachers II: Statistics and Modeling
- TMATH 316 Financial Mathematics
- TMATH 342 Applied Topology
- TMATH 393 Introduction to Probability Models
- TMATH 410 Regression Modeling
- TMATH 473 Math, Power and Society (formerly TEDUC 473)
Area: Probability/Statistics
- Required: A minimum of three credits and at least one course:
Area: Topology/Geometry
- Required: A minimum of three credits and at least one course:
Additional Courses that count as general electives
- TMATH 413 Coding Theory
- TMATH 495 Collaborative Mathematics Research Experience
- TMATH 496 Mathematical Internship
- TMATH 498 Directed Readings in Mathematics
- TMATH 499 Undergraduate Research in Mathematics
- TCSS 321 Discrete Structures I
- Any additional courses beyond the required 5 credits taken from the extended core list
Capstone experience
The Mathematics capstone experience typically consists of completing a project in two quarters, beginning with a directed reading course (TMATH 498), an undergraduate research experience (a Research Experience for Undergraduates or TMATH 499), an experiential learning course (such as TMATH 495), or an internship (TMATH 496). The capstone project will then be completed as part of TMATH 450, the Mathematics Capstone course. Students may petition for their capstone project to fulfill one elective area of knowledge in the mathematics major.
The Mathematics Capstone class TMATH 450 must be completed and is designed to both provide opportunities to earn mathematics community points and to hone students' technical communication skills. Students must complete a research experience such as an independent reading, undergraduate research experience, special topics course, internship, or senior thesis before enrolling so that they can draw upon the experience and results when creating their paper and presentation.
To prepare to enroll in TMATH 450, the capstone project should be started no later than the summer before 450 is to be taken. The capstone experience culminates in a paper, which is used as a basis for enrollment in TMATH 450 in Winter quarter. The paper must be 75% complete to be considered for enrollment in TMATH 450, which is required for graduation. TMATH 450 is designed to provide extensive opportunities to hone technical communication skills.
All BS students must complete the following requirements prior to graduation from UW Tacoma:
- 10 credits of foreign language - two quarters in college or two years in high school of a single language
- 20 credits of VLPA - Visual, Literary and Performing Arts (humanities)
- 20 credits of I&S - Individual and Societies (social science courses)
It is common for transfer students to have already met some or all of these requirements. Whatever a student is missing will become part of their study plan while at UW Tacoma.
Mathematics portfolio requirements
Portfolios are submitted as part of course requirements for TMATH 450.
Checklist of Portfolio Requirements for BS in Mathematics
Required materials and opportunities are assigned in key courses and are collected electronically beginning in TMATH 300. A completed portfolio is submitted as part of the course requirements for TMATH 450. Details about each item in the list below are provided through the Canvas course Mathematics Portfolio.
- Mathematics Community Points: A minimum of 25 points earned by attending public math talks, giving math presentations, and attending math centered events.
- TMATH 300's proof compilation: Identify the assignment from TMATH 300 where you chose one or more proofs to rewrite. The assignment then required minimally: 1) Rewritten Proof(s): typed, presented and solved completely & correctly. 2) A brief reflection describing why you chose the proof(s) that you did. 3) Your name and expected graduation date.
- TMATH 350's Capstone Proposal.
- TMATH 402's proof compilation: Identify the assignment from TMATH 402 where you chose one or more proofs to rewrite. The assignment then required minimally: a) Rewritten Proofs(s): typed, presented and solved completely & correctly. b) A brief reflection describing why you chose the proof(s) that you did.
- TMATH 424's proof compilation: Identify the assignment from TMATH 424 where you chose one or more proofs to rewrite. The assignment then required minimally: a) Rewritten Proof(s): typed, presented and solved completely & correctly. b) A brief reflection describing why you chose the proof(s) that you did.
- TMATH 450's essay & supporting work.
- TMATH 450's Capstone paper, presentation & marked rubric.
Learning Outcomes
By graduating with a B.S. in Mathematics, you will be able to understand, communicate, and apply mathematics. In particular, you will be able to:
- Comprehend, discover, and communicate common principles from algebra, geometry, and analysis,
- Use probability or statistics correctly and effectively,
- Recognize, understand and also make your own mathematically rigorous arguments,
- Interpret and present results to a technical audience, both in writing and verbally,
- Describe how mathematical or quantitatively-based arguments affect society,
- Modify problems to make them tractable,
- Use technology to aid in solving problems,
- Apply quantitative theory, modeling, or mathematical principles to other disciplines to solve problems.
Career Options
Mathematics is an established field of study and a growing area of opportunity. Through your choice of electives, you can customize your degree to prepare for careers in education, government agencies, or the private sector. Specifically, you can pursue careers in engineering, physics, actuarial science, quantitative finance, database and computer systems administration, network and data communication analysis, statistical analysis, secondary mathematics teaching, and other fields. Students with a major in mathematics often pursue graduate studies in mathematics, physics, and engineering.