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Course-Related Resources
Registration-Related Resources
UW students register through MyUW or MyPlan each quarter.
If you have a SET registration request, such as to overload a class or are receiving a registration error (missing a prerequisite, etc.), please use the SET Registration Request Form.
Students must receive a minimum grade of 2.0 in any course that is required for a SET major. If you receive a grade of less than 2.0 in a required course, you will need to repeat it. Grades for both attempts will be listed on your transcript and factored into your cumulative GPA, but you can only receive credit for taking the course once. See the UW Tacoma Course Repeat Policy for more details.
To retake a class, complete and submit the SET Course Repeat Petition. Once your application is approved, an advisor will assist with registration.
Please keep in mind that while applications to take a course a second time are frequently approved, permission to repeat for a third time are granted rarely and only in extenuating circumstances.
You may request to substitute a course completed at another institution for a required UWT course for your major. To do so, send your undergraduate advisor the following:
- Filled out Course Substitution Petition
- Supporting Documentation (ie. syllabus, etc.)
While undergraduate SET majors are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor for assistance with degree planning, there are many online tools available to help you through your program. You can run a Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) report for your major through MyUW or MyPlan to check on your progress and remaining requirements. You can map out your planned schedule in MyPlan and share that with your advisor in an appointment or ask them to take a look by email and give you feedback.
The SET Schedule Planning Grids show the required courses for your degree and a path through the major.
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- B.A. in Computer Science
- B.S. in Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Information Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
You should familiarize yourself with the Academic Standard Policies for your major. In all undergraduate programs, students must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in required majors courses in order to pass the class.
Offered courses can be found on the Tentative Time Schedule. The UWT Course Catalog lists all courses and their descriptions (including those that may not be currently offered)
497/498/499 Resources
497/498/499 Resources
Undergraduate students can apply up to 10 credits for any combination of 497/498/499 courses toward their degree.
Directed reading and research forms:
- Computer Science & Systems (TCSS)
- Computer Engineering (TCES)
- Electrical Engineering (TEE)
- Information Technology (TINFO)
- Mechanical Engineering (TME)
- Civil Engineering (TCE)
CSS students pursuing 499 research may be eligible for the CSS Honors Program.
Undergraduate students can apply up to 10 credits for any combination of 497/498/499 courses toward their degree.
Internship registration form:
- Computer Science and Systems (TCSS)
- Computer Engineering (TCES)
- Electrical Engineering (TEE)
- Information Technology (TINFO)
- Mechanical Engineering (TME)
- Civil Engineering (TCE)
Visit the Internships for Credit page for prerequisites and submission details.
Find out who your advisor is and connect with them today!
Learn more about your program and your upcoming classes!
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