Main Content
In 2011, 19 students worked individually or in groups to showcase nine in-depth presentations. Another 38 students created 34 posters on a variety of topics, while two teams worked with Lincoln High School and the Science and Math Institute to produce posters on their research.
2011 UW Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium Presentations
Student(s) and advisor(s) | Project title |
Cierra Hancock (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Sediment Role in Wapato Lake Nutrient Budget |
Shayla Staggers and Jolene Eccles (advised by Bonnie Becker, UW Tacoma) |
Distribution of Geoduck Larvae in Quartermaster Harbor, WA |
Josh LaPorte (advised by Shawn Gilbertson and Kelly Peterson, City of Kent and Jim Gawel, Julie Masura, and Peter Selkin, UW Tacoma) |
Implementation of Federal Water Quality Requirements in Kent, WA |
Heather Minella, Co-authors are Maria Nit and Jason Hitchcock (advised by Collin Jackson, A Rocha Kenya and John Banks, UW Tacoma) |
Forest Type Preference of an Afrotropical Thrush (East Akalat, Sheppardia gunning sokokensis) in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya |
John Pelerine (advised by Julie Masura and Cheryl Greengrove, UW Tacoma) |
Effects of the 2009 and 2010 ENSO Events on Alexandrium catenella Population in Puget Sound Quartermaster Harbor with Investigation into the Pacific Decadal Oscillation |
Erika Klein, Danielle Dahlquist, Laura Alskog, and Katie Royer (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Nutrient Cycling in Post-Eruption Spirit Lake, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, WA |
Amanda Vandel (advised by Bonnie Becker, UW Tacoma) |
The Impact of Female Presence on Captive Male Northern Fur Seals, Callorhinus ursinus |
Jacob Asplund, Kelsey Bartlett, Anne Frink, and Josh Sullivan (advised by John Banks, UW Tacoma) |
Oak Woodland Restoration at Fort Steilacoom, WA |
Vicky Karout and Kelly Doyle (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Using Metallothionein to Monitor Metal Stress in Mussels in Tacoma, WA |
2011 UW Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium Posters
Student(s) and advisor(s) | Poster title |
John Aldrich (advised by Jan Adams, Foss Waterway Seaport and Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Foss Waterway Seaport Internship
Miriam Andrew, Nick Dische, Michelle Fisher, and Kyle Reneman (advised by John Banks, UW Tacoma) | Restoration of Oak Woodland Prairie
Tyler Argo (advised by Jack Calder, OB-3 Resource Management and Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Potato Solids Management Plan
Steve Ayers (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) | Nutrient Loading to Wapato Lake from Park Sheet Flow
Brion Baker (advised by Lia Wetzstein, UW Tacoma) | Recycling at UWT: Educating Toward a Change in Behavior and Structure
Jessica Bryan (advised by Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, UW Tacoma) |
Determining Baseline Concentrations of Perfluorinated Compounds in English Sole (Parophrys vetulus) Livers
Michael Cole (advised by Peter Selkin, UW Tacoma) | Tacoma Smelter Slag: Composition and Major Constituents, Tacoma/Ruston, Pierce County, Washington
Brian Compton (advised by Mindy Roberts, UW Tacoma and The Mountaineers Foundation) |
Invasive Species Control Plan for the Conservation Area Stewardship Plan, Kitsap County, Washington
Aaron A. Copado (advised by Erica Cline, UW Tacoma) | The Relationship Between Copper and Glomalin in Coffee Plantations in Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Michael Diep (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) | Total Organic Carbon and Grain Size Distribution in Carr Inlet and Effects on Water Quality
Josh Dove (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) | Sampling Juvenile Salmon Minter Creek Salmon Hatchery
Jennifer Guenther (advised by Erica Cline, UW Tacoma) | Community Gardens Serve as an Educational Offering for Service Learning Opportunities |
Heidi Horowitz (advised by Elizabeth Nesbitt and Ruth Martin, Burke Museum and Sian Davies-Vollum, UW Tacoma) |
Analyzing Species Distribution of Foraminifera in Bellingham Bay as a Supplement to Pollution Research
Thomas Huff (advised by John Inch, City of Tacoma and Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Climate Change and Water Resources: An Educational Outreach Tool
Kelsey Jensen (advised by Tom Kantz, Pierce County Public Works and Utilities and Bonnie Becker, UW Tacoma) |
Updating Habitat Work Schedule
Christopher LaRocque (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Concentrations of Marine Microplastics in Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay
Brian Lilly (advised by Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, UW Tacoma) |
Perfluorinated Compounds in Creek Waters from Pierce County, Washington
Brian Losk (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Foraminifera Distributions in Sequim Bay, WA: Biological Indicators of Hypoxia
Jacob Moore (advised by Jim Gawel, Mindy Roberts, and Matt Kelly, UW Tacoma) |
GIS Analysis of Nutrient Loading to Wapato Lake from Sheet Flow
Danielle Morvan (advised by Dr. Steven Gilbert, Institute of Neurotoxicity and Neurological Disorders and Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Utilizing Social Media to Connect Science and People
Max Mousseau (advised by Matt Kelley, UW Tacoma) |
Links Across Tacoma
Brian Neal (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) | Total Organic Compound and Carbon Dating of Sequim Bay, WA
Chris Neel (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) | Inventory of Alexandrium catenella Cysts in the Sediments of Quartermaster Harbor
Archie Patterson (advised by Bonnie Becker, UW Tacoma) | Study of Benthic Invertebrates in Commencement Bay
Cody Patterson (advised by Jim Gawel and John Banks, UW Tacoma) |
Aquaculture and the Environment: Impact Perspectives and Suggestions for Remediation
Tyler Pederson (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Grain-size and Total Organic Carbon Analysis of Quartermaster Harbor
Chris Pyke (advised by Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, UW Tacoma) |
Measuring Dioctyl Phthalate Concentration in Sediment Samples from First Creek, Tacoma, WA
Julianne Ruffner (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Quartermaster Harbor Monitored Water Properties for 2010
Basilio Ruiz (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Total Organic Carbon Found in the Puget Sound and How it Affects Air Quality
Collin Snider (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) |
Recycling Program for UWT 2010
Keegan Stromberg (advised by Bonnie Becker, UW Tacoma) |
Identification of Bivalve Species of Commencement Bay
Josh Sullivan (advised by Janice Sloan, WA Department of Ecology and Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
Tacoma Smelter Plume: An Opportunity to Determine Environmental Risk Using Earthworms as Bioindicators
Anna Rose Wallace (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) | Pollen Record Analysis of Surface Sediment in Sequim Bay, WA
Tasha Williams-Davis (advised by Julie Masura, UW Tacoma) | Particle Grain Size Analysis of Surface Sediments in Sequim Bay
Lincoln Center, Lincoln High School - Deyana Willis, Alejandra Ramirez-Rubio, Ivyanne Barnett, Essence Cavalier-Byrd, Ruben Martinez, Rafael Zamora , Zachary Dela-Cruz, Tyisha Brown El, Angela Finley, Juan Aguilar, Christopher Canche, Sheila Escobar, Jose Espinosa, London Hughes, Darien Reed, Quantaya Rhodes, Eric Smith, Jennifer Thompson (advised by Lee Ann Love, Kelly Doyle, Vicky Karout, Christopher Claeys and Jim Gawel) |
Looking for Metal Stress in Mussels in Puget Sound Using Metallothionein
Science and Math Institute - Christian Ziruk, Phoebe Winnett, Scout Dahms-May, Tatyanna Wrinkle, Vincent Ly, Brandon Gutierrez, Alexis Adams, Katie Best, Sarah Becker, Mari Thiersch, Alex Kidder, Allison Hakanson, Emma Parkins, Kelly Nguyen (advised by Ralph Harrison, Kelly Doyle, Vicky Karout, and Jim Gawel) |
Metallothionein as a Bioindicator of Metal Stress in Mussels
In 2012, three students showcased in-depth research presentations, while another 46 students created 40 posters on a variety of research topics.
2012 UW Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium Presentations
Student(s) and advisor(s) | Project title |
Ryan Dokter (advised by Sian Davies-Vollum, UW Tacoma) |
Building a Foundation for a Greener Tomorrow |
Daniel Marlowe (advised by Donna Chang, First Creek M.S., Lia Wetzstein and Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, UW Tacoma) |
UWT/First Creek Joint Monitoring and Stewardship Project |
Chelsie Strowbridge (advised by Jim Gawel, UW Tacoma) |
The Role of the Water Column in the Nutrient Budget of Spirit Lake, WA |
2012 UW Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium Posters
UWaTERS 2013
UWaTERS 2015
UWaTERS 2016
UWaTERS 2017
SAMURS 2020 Spring
Abstracts & Posters
Student Name | Student Faculty Mentor |
Abstract (Click on Abstract Name to Open Abstract) |
Poster (Click on Student Picture for Poster) |
Ali, Mirna |
Baer, Margaret |
Bailey, Jacob |
Bakera, Naomi |
Boss, Michael |
Broeker, Richard |
Brown, Nik |
Curtis, Alexia |
Dao, Linh |
Dewitz, Faith |
Dupont, Lindsay |
Estrada, Chanel |
Fosnick, Mae |
Foster, Octavia | |||
Gonzalez, Zabdiel | |||
Gustafson, Kayla | |||
Guzman, Mia | |||
Herndon, Lisa | |||
Hettinger, Rachel | |||
Hobby, Aaron | |||
Huynh, Ngan | |||
Kiforishin, Rachel | |||
Klevemann, Caroline | |||
Laughlin, Michael | |||
Leckman, Hayden | |||
Lockhart, Darrell |
Love, Latoya | |||
Marks, Christopher | |||
Martel, Jordan | |||
Martinez, Chloe | |||
Matulich, Adam | |||
McEntyre, Will | |||
McFarland, Caitlyn | |||
Moore, Domeg | |||
Mwangi, Joseph | |||
Ng, Fiona | |||
Nguyen, Doan | |||
Nguyen, Monica | |||
Noyes, Johannah | Tom Koontz | Citing Science to Support Recommendations: Use of References Across 12 Puget Sound Salmon Restoration Plans |
Nyiri, Jacob | |||
Peck, Jess | |||
Roberts, Jacob | |||
Roca, Erik | |||
Salinas, Brenda | |||
Shohradova, Shaira | |||
Smith, Tasi | |||
Smith, Tillie | |||
Strome, Zachary | |||
Tilahun, Rahel | |||
Trivino, Deyana |
Uzumaki, Eevee | |||
Vaid, Raveena | |||
Vega, Adriana | |||
Villa, Manuel | |||
Wolford, Jessica | |||
Wood, Nathaniel | |||
Young, Shellena | |||
Yukevich-Mussomeli, Anastasia | |||
Yurina, Amaliya | |||
SAMURS 2020 Fall
SAMURS Agenda - Scroll below to view student abstracts and posters
10:00am Session
- Jordan Monroe & Daelyn Haws
- Isabelle Tihista
- Cadence Parrish
- Abigail Pineda
- Joanna Lisanets
- Samantha Lewis
- Jaclyn McCoy
- Morgana Johns
- Alannah Johnson
11:00am Session
- Mariam Faris
- Amanda Juchau
- Alexander Pursel
- Cathy Nguyen & Grace Steinhauer
- Fatima Alrangonee
- Victoria Chesnakov
- Karli Hinton
- Harmanjit Dhillon & Ram Tiwari
12:00pm Session
- Natalia Rodriguez
- Alyssa Kraft
- Victoria Reddin
- Kraig Mansfield and Marat Karaev
- Alexis Wilhelm
- Eric Nguyen
- Miriam K. Mironchu
- Navneet Kaur
1:00pm Session
- Rain Wilson & Hannah Price
- Rayan Mousa
- John McPherson
- Carlos Delgado
- Thien-Huong Ngo
- Cassie Tran
- Jonathan Bradley
- Avelina Perez
Abstracts & Posters
SAMURS 2020 Fall
SAMURS Agenda - Scroll below to view student abstracts and posters
10:00am Session
- Imagine Sayasane
- Alexis Heath
- Katie Free
- Devyn Koppisch
- Jenna Swetz
- Elizabeth Harting
- Kobey Cruz
- Allison Perry
- Mariana Valdovinos
11:00am Session
- Alexa Knight
- Janessa Stovall & Crystal Espinoza
- Rebecca Shaikoski, Zaineb Alkadban, & Julisia Brock
- Alexandria Rios
- Dionne Weaver
- Meaghan Moos, Lindsay Givens & Maleeha Nizar
12:00pm Session
- Arianna Koroma & Michelle Nguyen
- Chloe Huang & Ashton Parks
- Venessa Yefimchuk
- Joy Deller
- Cat Bond
- Prasis Pandey
- Gary Livingston Jr. & Zoe Manuel
- Christina Renshaw
1:00pm Session
- Marjorie Del la Cruz
- Ariyana Abando
- Cris Wright
Abstracts & Posters
SAMURS 2022 Awards
1st Place Best Overall Poster:
- Awardee: Amber Smith
- Faculty Mentor: Cynthia Updegrave
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: Restoring Titlow Park Through Invasive and Native Plant Management
2nd Place Best Overall Poster:
- Awardee: Erica Mortenson
- Faculty Mentor: Cheryl Greengrove
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Longitudinal Study of Temporal and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton from 2013-2019 in Tofino Inlet, Clayoquot Sound, B.C. Canada
1st Place Best Biomedical Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Sabrina Bacher
- Faculty Mentor: Anna Groat-Carmona
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: Using Perfringolysin O (PFO) to Create a Cell-Free in vitro System to Study Mouse Malaria (Plasmodium yoelii)
2nd Place Best Biomedical Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Jamyahn White
- Faculty Mentor: Marc Nahmani
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Racial Disparities of African American women with Uterine Fibroids
1st Place Best Environmental Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Claire O'Connor
- Faculty Mentor: Jeremy Davis
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: What Grows on Your Rose? Gall Wasp Communities in Urban and Rural Roses
2nd Place Best Environmental Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Chloe Nelson
- Faculty Mentor: Cynthia Updegrave
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Restoring Urban Habitat Using a Functional Requirements Approach
Mary Cline Undergraduate Memorial Research Awardees (in alphabetical order)
- Lindsay Flynt, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Bonnie Becker, Project Title 'Dungeness in a Changing Environment'
- Dane Gainey, Awarded $500.00 with faculty Tom Koontz, Project Title 'North Cascades Butterfly Survey'
- Megan Garcia, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Julie Masura, Project Title 'Dash Point State Park Restoration'
- Hailey Germeau, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Jim Gawel, Project Title 'The Role of Invasive New Zealand Snails in the Aquatic Food Web at Spirit Lake, Mount S. Helens
Congratulations to all the awardees and all students who presented at SAMURS!
Time | Presenters |
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM |
Welcome - TPS Ground Floor Lobby |
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM |
Poster Session 1 - Biomedical Sciences Students
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM |
Talk #1 in TPS G016 Presenter: Lauren Doffing |
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM |
Poster Session 2 - Environmental Sciences Students
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM |
Talk #2 in TPS G016 Presenters: Erin Campion, Sade Dupuis & Olivia Kirby |
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM |
Talk #3 in TPS G016 Presenter: Maryam Al Darraji |
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM |
Poster Session 3 - Biomedical Sciences Students
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM |
Talk #4 in TPS G016 Presenter: Sabrina Bacher |
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM |
Talk #5 in TPS G016 Presenter: Anjanette Arvizo |
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM |
Poster Session 4 - Environmental Sciences Students
12:45 PM - 1:00 PM |
Talk #6 in TPS G016 Presenter: Dorothy Pak |
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM |
Talk #7 in TPS G016 Presenter: Garrett Stephenson |
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM |
Poster Session 5 - Biomedical Sciences Students
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM |
Talk #8 in TPS G016 Presenter: Amber Smith |
Abstracts & Posters
Student Name | Student Faculty Mentor |
Abstract (Click on Abstract Name to Open Abstract) |
Poster (Click on Student Picture for Poster) |
Al Darraji, Maryam | Marc Nahmani |
Alicaba, Jaymison | Marc Nahmani |
Artz, Cameron | Matthew Kelley |
Arvizo, Anjanette | Anna Groat-Carmona |
Bacher, Sabrina | Anna Groat-Carmona |
Bibaoco, Miguel | Sarah Alaei |
Braveboy, Jennifer | Megan Schwartz |
Camacho, Nicole | Marc Nahmani |
Campion, Erin | Julie Masura |
Cerezo, Regine | Sarah Alaei |
Chavez, Victoria | Cynthia Updegrave |
Choi, Jain | Kelly Kim |
Cook, Trevor | Alison Gardell |
Cordova, Alina | Sarah Alaei |
Culbert, Dylan | Sarah Alaei |
Dinh, Thao | Marc Nahmani |
Doffing, Lauren | Julie Masura |
Dolan, Katrina | Sarah Alaei |
Dupuis, Sade | Julie Masura |
Emerson, Madeline | Megan Schwartz |
Escamilla, Jhovana | Marc Nahmani |
Fisher, Matthew | Kelly Kim |
Gray, Elizabeth | EC Cline |
Hackney, Katherine | Erik McDonald |
Hartman, Hayley | Julie Masura |
Hashi, Hashim | Alison Gardell |
Hobby, Grant | Kelly Kim |
Huang, Yen-Po | Kelly Kim |
Johnson, Annika | Megan Schwartz |
Johnson, Alexander | Marc Nahmani |
Juarez, Sara | Jim Gawel |
Kirby, Olivia | Julie Masura |
Klungle, Jennifer | Marc Nahmani |
Lam, Julie | Kelly Kim |
Lane, Kaitlyn | EC Cline |
Langeberg, Neal | Matthew Kelley |
Le, Thao | Kelly Kim |
Lopez, Jennifer | Marc Nahmani |
Manahan, Ish | Kelly Kim |
Marshall, Kyle | Kelly Kim |
Mawhinney, Collin | Marc Nahmani |
Millen, Austin | Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio |
Miller, Bailey | Alison Gardell |
Mortenson, Erica | Cheryl Greengrove |
Nelson, Chloe | Cynthia Updegrave |
Nguyen, Oanh | John Finke |
Nuon, Victoria | Kelly Kim |
O'Connor, Claire | Jeremy Davis |
Pak, Dorothy | Sarah Alaei |
Paschal, Regan | Alison Gardell |
![]() |
Perry, Tristan | Karen Cowgill |
Pham, Tyler | Marc Nahmani |
Pohle, Sarah | John Finke |
Puryear, Victoria | Sarah Alaei |
Ramirez, Melissa | Sarah Alaei |
Rezk, Carla | Sarah Alaei |
Rhodes, Audrey | Cynthia Updegrave |
Ricks, Kristy | Peter Selkin |
Riviere, Zack | Marc Nahmani |
Rzonca, Haleigh | Kelly Kim |
Sharma, Avisha | Sarah Alaei |
Smith, Amber | Cynthia Updegrave |
Stephenson, Garrett | John Finke |
Tedford, Clara | Marc Nahmani |
Treece, Emellia | Cynthia Updegrave |
Turnberg, Summer | Alison Gardell |
Uzunoe-Chin, Madeline | Sarah Alaei |
Valdivia, Alexandra | Marc Nahmani |
Vergara, Lizeth | John Finke |
Vululleh, Emmanuel | Sarah Alaei |
Wahlstrom, Tim | Peter Selkin |
Walker, Gianni | Jack Vincent |
White, Jamyahn | Marc Nahmani |
Wood, Lillian | Sarah Alaei |
Abstracts & Posters
Abstracts & Posters
SAMURS 2023 Awards
1st Place Best Overall Poster:
- Awardee: Gibson Silagi
- Faculty Mentor: Cynthia Updegrave
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: Removing Invasive Himalayan Blackberry has a Positive Effect on the Local Habitat and Community: Puget Park Tacoma Restoration Project
1st Place Best Overall Talk:
- Awardee: Meagan Hood
- Faculty Mentor: Jack Vincent
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Evolutionary Path of a Non-Canonical Start Codon in the Drosophila Fmr1 gene.
1st Place Best Biomedical Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Fanisha Hayes
- Faculty Mentor: Morgan Heinz
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: Therapeutic Medical Services and Autism Spectrum Disorder
2nd Place Best Biomedical Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Jillian Sheppard
- Faculty Mentor: Anna Groat Carmona
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Investigating the -ase: Understanding the Catalytic Function of Plasmodium BEM46-like protein (PBLP)
1st Place Best Environmental Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Tai Nguyen
- Faculty Mentor: Julie Masura
- Amount Awarded: $200
- Title: 2022 Microplastics Quantification of the Puget Sound
2nd Place Best Environmental Sciences Poster:
- Awardee: Cameron Averden
- Faculty Mentor: Jeremy Davis
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Parasite Driven Behavior Modifications of an Invasive Marine Snail, Batillaria attramentaria
Mary Cline Undergraduate Memorial Research Awardees
- Tyler Hall & Arthur Weisburg, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Bonnie Becker, Project Title Puget Sound Market Squid (Doryteuthis opalescens), a multifaceted understanding of the population through trophic level analysis
- Evan Hoang, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio, Project Title Quantifying PFAS in Mussel Samples derived from the Puget Sound
- Ethan Wells, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Marc Nahmani, Project Title Quantitative Three-Dimensional Characterization of Synaptic Spinules within Inhibitory Synapses in Hippocampus
- Victoria Zalutskiy, Awarded $750.00 with faculty Sarah Alaei, Project Title Examining Variations in Microbial Communities and Establishing Biomarker Assays for Stress Induced Physiological Changes in Freshwater Snails in Arsenic Contaminated Ecosystems
Congratulations to all the awardees and all students who presented at SAMURS!
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM |
Welcome |
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM |
Poster Session 1 - Biomed |
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM |
Poster Session 2 - Environmental Science/MathTalk #1 - Meagan Hood Talk #2 - Nyah Laureta & Sahra Jama |
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM |
Poster Session 3 - Biomed/MathTalk #3 - Ethan Wells Talk #4 - Henry Maldonado |
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM |
Poster Session 4 - Environmental ScienceTalk #5 - Brendan Kortjohn Talk #6 - Shania Remal |
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM |
Poster Session 5 - BiomedTalk #7 - Jillian Sheppard |
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM |
SAM End of Year Celebration @ Zeek's Pizza |
Abstracts & Posters
SAMURS 2023 Awards
1st Place Best Overall Poster:
- Awardee: Rebeccah Moulding
- Faculty Mentor: Saumya Sankaran
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: An Internship Analysis of Patient Experience
10:00AM - 10:15AM | Welcome |
10:15AM - 12:00PM |
Poster Presentations |
Abstracts & Posters
SAMURS 2023 Awards
1st Place Best Overall Poster:
- Awardee: Christian Gombio
- Faculty Mentor: Jack Vincent
- Amount Awarded: $100
- Title: Using CRISPR to mimic a phosphorylated state of a MELT-like motif in S. cerevisiae's Stu1 protein
Abstracts & Posters