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The employee experience for staff in UW Tacoma’s Division of Student Affairs is critically important to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and the Executive Leadership Team. We strive for an appealing and inclusive workplace. We thrive when we have engaged employees who feel supported in their work and their personal well-being! We aim to have staff feel well prepared by inspiring trainings that results in success both in their positions as well as in achieving their personal goals! We aspire for a transparent and collaborative approach that provides a well planned, supported, and informed environment for the entire cycle of what we refer to as the "Employee Experience!" Along with our students, we believe in MOVING STAFF FORWARD through personal and professional growth opportunities.
The Employee Experience cycle begins with Attraction and ends (or for some staff, pauses) with Separation. We have given each stage of the cycle a different color which corresponds with the sections below. In each section, you will first read the key goal for each stage, followed by a list of key elements from that stage, and what we hope to hear from our employees. The key elements will link to resources we have provided or will remain unlinked as we continue to build them.
Use the buttons below to jump to a specific step of the Employee Experience wheel.

Demonstrate and share that UW Tacoma Student Affairs is an appealing and inclusive place to work.
What We Will Hear
What a great place to work!
I want to apply!
Ensure a positive experience in the recruitment process.
Key Elements
- Friendly, informed, and organized staff lead
- On-target communication and timelines
- Hiring process "map"
- UW Tacoma hiring process
- Reference check consent form
- Summary of benefits
- UW Total Talent Management hiring process
- Frequently asked questions
- Best practices working with a hiring committee
What We Will Hear
They want me!
I bring something special they are seeking!
Create and implement a comprehensive orientation to the unit, department, division, UW Tacoma, and the UW system.
Key Elements (all staff)
- "Getting Started Guide" - providing clear policies and procedures
- Peer mentor program
- Unit and division orientation & onboarding checklist including:
- First 3 Days and First 2 Weeks guides
- Job-specific skills training
- Job-specific systems training
- Discussion of expectations, goals and priorities with supervisor
- Discussion of what success looks like (at 3/6/12 months) with supervisor
Key Elements (managers)
Key Elements (employees)
What We Will Hear
They are glad to have me!
They are preparing me for success here!
Keep staff engaged, supported, and informed.
Key Elements
- Goal setting and expectation ownership (individual & team)
- Regular team and supervisor meetings
- Task prioritization
- Divisional meetings and retreats
- Divisional collaboration
- Clean, comfortable, attractive and safe working environment (i.e. ergonomic needs and concerns)
- Flexibility with work options (i.e. telework)
- Space for creativity, flexibility, and innovation
- Good personnel relations
- Resources:
What We Will Hear
I'm learning, growing, and being successful!
I'm making a difference in my work!
Provide learning and reflection opportunities that help staff successfully do their jobs, develop, and attain professional goals.
Key Elements
- Career planning resources
- Career tools and services
- Conference attendance + Share back
- Cross-training and teamwork
- Diversity, equity and inclusion resources
- Division-led training and development
- Employee development and coaching
- Leadership Development
- LinkedIn Learning
- Management and leadership development
- Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity Education and Training Offerings
- Performance evaluation
- Performance management supervisor guide
- Professional development action plan
- Professional Development Center
- Professional Development Center upcoming courses
- Professional development chart
- Self-care development
- Self-development
- Student Affairs Groups of Engagement (SAGE)
- Succession Planning
- UW Professional & Organization Development
What We Will Hear
I'm learning, growing, and being successful!
I'm making a difference in my work!
Ensure staff feel valued for their contributions to the division.
What We Will Hear
I matter to the division!
They value me and my work!
Ensure continued operations, capture institutional knowledge, and provide support for next steps.
Key Elements
- Establish transition committee
- Create a transition plan for business continuity and support of area
- Define deliverables to be completed before separation
- Transparent communication to all
- Off-boarding checklist (transfer within UW)
- Begin process for filling position
- Review Staff Diversity Hiring toolkit
What We Will Hear
My experience here has been meaningful.
I may want to encourage others to work here!
I could return here one day!
Create and implement a planned, well-prepared offboarding experience for employee.
Key Elements
- Check on transition plan and process
- Completed expectations on deliverables
- Next step support for the employee
- UW Alumni Association - staying connected
- Completion of off-boarding checklist (separating from UW)
- Exit interview/survey
- Gap analysis of employee engagement
What We Will Hear
My experience here has been meaningful.
I may want to encourage others to work here!
I could return here one day!