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Writing Center Policies
Access to Writing Center Services
In the Writing Center, applicants to the University of Washington may access TLC services and resources to work on their application materials. Recent graduates may access services for applications related to graduate programs, fellowships, and job-seeking (e.g. resumes, cover letters, etc.). Any UWT student, faculty, or staff member may book an appointment on the All Writing schedule.
Time Limits
The writing center offers each UWT student three total scheduled hours of tutoring time per week and up to 60 minutes per day. Any combination of 30- and 60-minute appointments in a week is acceptable, so long as neither limit is exceeded. The scheduling system will prevent users from scheduling beyond these limits.
A group of students working together on a shared writing project is limited to one 60-minute consultation per day.
If you need extended time for in-person or Zoom appointments or more than 3 hours of tutoring time per week, please contact the writing center director.
Missed Appointments
An appointment is considered missed when a student or paper is not present 10 minutes after the scheduled start of the appointment. A missed appointment counts toward a student's weekly limit of 3 hours of writing consultations. For example, if you miss a 1-hour appointment on Monday, you may still schedule or drop-in for up to two hours during the remainder of the week.
Canceling Appointments
On occasions when students cannot keep an appointment for any reason (e.g. illness, change in plans), we request that students cancel that appointment to make that time available to another student. You can cancel any appointment you have made through WCOnline. If you have trouble, you can also call our front desk for help at 253-692-4417.
The Graduate Writing Schedule
The writing center maintains two schedules, All Writing and Graduate Writing. Any UWT student, faculty, or staff member may book an appointment on All Writing.
The Graduate Writing schedule is reserved for UWT graduate students, faculty, staff, and those students working on graduate school application materials. Other students may book appointments on Grad Writing after 9:00 a.m. for the same day if there are openings. All graduate writing consultants also offer appointments on All Writing and undergraduate students are encouraged to book appointments there first.