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TBUS 468 Internship Overview, FAQ, Application, Evaluation Forms (full packet)
- Internship TBUS 468 Overview and FAQ
- Internship TBUS 468 Application *form must be complete and emailed to Milgard advisor no later than the third day of the quarter the student will be earning the credit.
- Internship TBUS 468 Evaluation Form Student Experience
- Internship TBUS 468 Evaluation Form Internship Site Supervisor
- Internship TBUS 468 Evaluation Form Faculty Internship Coordinator
Why internships?
- An internship is an opportunity to work in a business, agency, or organization before finishing college.
- You'll gain practical experience and insight before graduation.
- You'll learn about a company's culture and find out whether your values are compatible.
- You'll meet the decision-makers who may influence or assist your future career choices.
What should I expect during my internship?
Students work alongside professionals at the business and are mentored by supervisors. Often students are assigned to work on special projects that allow them to put into practice the concepts and theory learned in the classroom. The level of responsibility they enjoy as an intern surprises many students. This opportunity offers much more than a work-study position or part-time job. What is done during an internship will vary based on the amount of experience you bring to the internship and your willingness to take on added responsibilities. Though assignments vary from internship to internship, you are encouraged to take on more challenges and responsibilities with each new internship.
Finding an internship?
Plan early and start early. Be sure that you have a resume and are ready to apply, because some internships are only open for a very short time. Interns with some of the larger employers are recruited very early in the year, so investigate the hiring process of the companies in which you are most interested.
- Visit the Milgard Success Center and create an account with their online career management platform Handshake.
Earning academic credit for Internship
Eligibility for TBUS 468
- Completion of any three upper division business courses.
- Minimum 2.0 CUM GPA; students may not be on academic probation.
- Students must be declared in a business major: TACCT, TBUS, TFIN, TMGMT or TMKTGT.
Undergraduate credits earned for internships may be used to fulfill general university elective credits.
Students may earn 3-10 credits per quarter for an internship. A maximum of 10 internship credits are allowed towards the degree and are considered general elective credits only. A student may earn no more than a combined 15 credits of TBUS 468 Internship and TBUS 469 Undergraduate Research.
If the work of an internship spreads between different terms, the student only needs to submit one internship application. They should specify the number of credit hours for each term that corresponds to the amount of work that takes place in that term. They will be graded separately for each quarter. It is against policy to grant academic credit for work already completed. Students may not apply for internship credit for their current job.
Complete and email the TBUS 468 Application to a Milgard advisor no later than the third day of the quarter the student will be earning the credit. Once submitted, the documents will be reviewed by the faculty. If approved, an adviser will e-mail an add code. Students are responsible for making sure that the appropriate documents are completed and submitted in a timely fashion. The internship forms are considered your application to participate in the internship program within the Milgard School of Business.
How many hours am I expected to spend at my internship?
Internships must be completed during the academic quarter in which students enroll in TBUS 468.
The time commitment for one quarter:
3 credits = 90 hours of work (9 hours per week) | 4 credits = 120 hours of work (12 hours per week) |
5 credits = 150 hours of work (15 hours per week) | 6 credits = 180 hours of work (18 hours per week) |
7 credits = 210 hours of work (21 hours per week) | 8 credits = 240 hours of work (24 hours per week) |
9 credits = 270 hours of work (27 hours per week) | 10 credits = 300 hours of work (30 hours per week) |
Is there anything other than completing my internship hours that I need to do to earn my TBUS 468 credits?
Yes! You will be enrolled in a canvas course for TBUS 468 where you will connect with the faculty internship coordinator. These are the following items expected from students enrolled in TBUS 468:
1. Learning Journal: The learning journal is a “reflective” journal, which documents activities and accomplishments, as well as any struggles or dilemmas the intern is facing. As often as once a week or more as necessary, take the time to review each day on the job and identify what was learned. For example:
- Does your on-the-job learning support or contradict classroom learning?
- What skills are necessary for success in this position? In what areas do you require further development?
- How does this experience compare with your prior or other work experience?
The learning journal should be typed and double-spaced.
2. Resume: An updated one-page resume.
3. Formal Paper: This is a formal, written paper which conforms to all the rules of formal written English composition. This paper should be typed and double spaced. A five to seven-page final report is due at the end of the internship and should include the following:
- A description of the company, the department in which you worked, and the assignments completed during the internship.
- A discussion of how the internship connected to concepts learned in coursework, or how the experience helped develop the learning outcomes of the Milgard School: communication skills, quantitative analysis, financial skills, strategic thinking, ethics and business in society, global awareness, teamwork, technology, and professionalism.
- An in-depth reflection on the experience: analyzing the skills developed, evaluating job satisfaction, and discussing the impact on future career decisions.
4. Evaluations: There are two evaluations that must be completed and returned to the Milgard School during finals week. The first is the Intern Evaluation, which measures the intern’s assessment of the internship. The second is the Supervisor’s Evaluation, which measures the intern’s demonstrated skills and progress during the entire internship.
In addition to the Supervisor’s Evaluation, the intern will present to the supervisor an interim evaluation assessment of the internship. This interim evaluation is merely a “mid-course correction” evaluation. It is a methodology whereby the intern and the supervisor review the intern’s goals and progress towards those goals at that point in time. This interim evaluation does not need to be submitted to the Milgard School.
Students who fail to submit an entire package at the conclusion of the quarter will receive “no credit” for the internship course.
May a student do two internships at the same location if they are separate projects?
A second internship must take place at different organization.
May a student do an internship at a business where they are currently employed?
To receive credit, the internship will have to be completed with a different employer.
May a student do an internship at a business that a family member owns?
Students are not allowed to earn credit for an internship at a firm owned by a close relative.
May a student do an internship outside of the Puget Sound or USA?
Yes. Students are free to take any internship that they choose, but to receive academic credit, internships must be approved by the Milgard School of Business. An application may be rejected if the internship coordinator cannot verify that the internship fulfills the TBUS 468 requirements. International internships may take additional time to approve.
What should a student do if they are harassed or injured at their internship?
Students should contact their Faculty Supervisor as soon as possible.
May a student do an “online” internship?
No. Student must perform a meaningful part of their duties while being physically present at the location of the host organization.
Please note during these global pandemic times it may be necessary to do your internship remotely-please work with the internship site supervisor and faculty internship coordinator.
May a student submit their TBUS 468 application while they are in progress of completing 3 core courses?
Yes, but finals grades must be posted before final approval is granted.
When is a Direct Admit student eligible to earn credit for TBUS 468?
A Direct Admit student is eligible to earn credit in TBUS 468 after they have successfully completed the Milgard School of Business prerequisites and completed at least 3 of the TBUS core courses.