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The Milgard School of Business awards scholarships annually to our enrolled undergraduate and graduate students. Funding for these scholarships come from a variety of contributions that include the Milgard Endowments, the Allan and Judith Trinkwald Endowment, the Simpson Investment Endowment, William Philip Endowment, US Bank, Wells Fargo, Homestreet Bank, Saltchuk, Costco and other local businesses, friends, and alumni.
About Milgard Scholarships
Applications are accepted once a year for MBA, MSAcc, MSBA and BABA.
If you received a Milgard scholarship in the previous year, you will need to reapply unless your scholarship letter indicated the award was continuing.
Terms and Conditions
Late applications will not be accepted. Visit UW Tacoma Scholarships, UW Tacoma Office of Student Fellowships and UW Scholarships for more opportunities.
Recipients of autumn scholarships will be notified via email in July/August and must accept by the date indicated in the award letter.
Complete terms and conditions for each scholarship are explained in the scholarship award letter.
You are eligible for Milgard scholarships if:
- Your UW Tacoma or transfer cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher
- You enroll in a minimum of 12 credits per quarter (undergraduate) or a minimum of 8 credits per quarter (graduate) for the upcoming academic year
- You either:
- Are a current Milgard undergraduate (BABA) or graduate (MSAcc, MBA, or MSBA) student
- Have applied or have been accepted to become a Milgard undergraduate or graduate student
- Are a current Direct Admissions student entering your junior or senior year
You may not be eligible if:
- You are utilizing tuition-exempt benefits
- Your employer provides tuition reimbursement
- Your tuition is fully covered by financial aid
2025-2026 Scholarships:
Scholarship Applications close at 11:59 pm on May 1, 2024
For additional information, contact
Milgard School of Business Scholarships
These scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students. As part of the undergraduate program, scholarship recipients are expected to complete the Milgard Gold certificate. In addition to maintaining a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and completing an average of 36 credit hours (12 credits per quarter), each student must make progress each quarter towards completing the Milgard Gold certificate that academic year.
Henry T. Schatz established this scholarship as a tribute to Gary E. Milgard, who was a human being of great integrity and an alumnus of the University of Washington. Mr. Schatz admired and respected Mr. Milgard for being a highly ethical entrepreneur who attained great business success. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide assistance to undergraduate students in the Milgard School of Business.
Henry T. Schatz established this scholarship out of respect and admiration for Carol Berry Milgard and as a tribute to Mrs. Milgard, who was known for her love of young people and her willingness to devote both her time and her resources to help them. The purpose of this scholarship is to help financially needy entering freshmen or transfer undergraduate students intending to study at the Milgard School of Business.
The US Bank Foundation giving program is designed to respect the diversity of our communities. Milgard is fortunate to have the opportunity to award US Bank scholarships to Business students who are State of WA residents and demonstrate financial need and display academic merit. Scholarships are provided to offset tuition and minimize the need for student loans.
William W. Philip has been a long-time University of Washington, Tacoma Advisory Board member and volunteer. In order to express to Mr. Philip the gratitude of the community for his excellent work on behalf of the UW Tacoma, a few of his close associates raised the funds necessary to establish this endowment. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide assistance to graduate students in the MBA program at the Milgard School of Business.
This scholarship is sponsored by Wells Fargo, in support of students involved in organizations or activities which support diversity.
This scholarship is specific to undergraduate students admitted to the Milgard School of Business with preference to the Freshman Direct Admit students and is merit and/or financial need based.
This scholarship is specific to undergraduate students admitted to the Milgard School of Business with preference to the Freshman Direct Admit students and is merit and/or financial need based.
This merit-based scholarship from Saltchuck will be awarded annually to UW Tacoma Milgard undergraduate and MBA students with maritime, military, or transportation experience or who demonstrate an interest in women's issues or participate in Boy's & Girls Clubs activities in the Puget Sound region.
This scholarship is specific to undergraduate students admitted to the Milgard School of Business with preference to the Freshman Direct Admit students.
This scholarship is specific to veterans or active military students admitted to the Milgard School of Business with preference to members of the Navy.
To provide broad-based direct financial support to undergraduate students in the Milgard School of Business at the University of Washington Tacoma, with a preference for those studying finance and/or accounting.
To provide financial assistance to graduate students in the Milgard School of Business at the University of Washington, Tacoma.
To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students at the University of Washington Tacoma Milgard School of Business. Preference for Wilson HS (Tacoma) grads, Tacoma School District grads.