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List of Research Faculty Members
Bryan, Daniel, Associate Professor
Financial Report; Bankruptcy
Cao, Zhiyan (Juliet), Associate Professor
Financial Reporting; Litigation Risk; Corporate Governance; Corporate Credit Risk
Feroz, Ehsan, Professor
Corporate Bonds and Financial Restatements; Financial Forensics
Saudagaran, Shahrokh, Professor
International Accounting & Global Capital Markets; Financial Reporting in Emerging Markets; Corporate Social Responsibility
Seow, Gim, Associate Professor
Financial Reporting & Disclosures; Derivatives and Risk Management; Corporate Governance Issues
Tripathy, Arindam, Associate Professor
Zhang, Xia (Eliza), Assistant Professor
Financial Accounting and Auditing
Bergman, Margo, Associate Teaching Professor
Health Decision Making; Viral Information; Neurology of Decision Making; Patient/Provider Communication
Davalos, Sergio, Associate Professor
Text mining of Social Media and Financial & Accounting Documents
Demirkan, Haluk, Professor
Business analytics; Service innovation; Artificial intelligence; Future-of-work; Service-oriented technology & management
Zhang, Luna , Assistant Professor
Business analytics; E-commerce; Mobile economy; Online consumer behavior; Information systems and operations management interface
Leng, Fei, Associate Professor
Bankruptcy; Share repurchases; Corporate bonds
Ni, Jinlan, Assistant Professor
Norman, Stephen, Associate Professor
Applied Time Series Analysis; Economic History; International Economics
Noronha, Gregory, Professor
Barsness, Zoe, Associate Professor
Eberly, Marion, Associate Professor
Attribution theory; Employee voluntary turnover; Leadership
Jago, Arthur, Assistant Professor
Automation and the Future of Work; Judgment and Decision Making; Ethics
Jain, Shalini, Assistant Professor
Social issues in management; Ethics; Corporate social responsibility; Gender equity; Exploitative organizational practices; Corporate governance
Purdy, Jill, Professor
Social entrepreneurs;institutional influences on business social practices; and cross-sector collaboration and conflict resolution
Thompson, Tracy, Associate Professor
Strategic management; Organizational change; Institutional change
Jindal, Rupinder, Associate Professor
Focus on issues of co-ordination and control in channels and retailing along with research on enhancing the value proposition of products and service; and measuring constructs related to advertising and word of mouth.
Merchant, Altaf, Professor
Advertising, Branding; Consumer Behavior; Scale Development with specific focus on nostalgia; Brand heritage and cross-cultural research.
Rose, Gregory, Professor
Branding; Brand heritage; Consumer socialization; Sports marketing; Marketing ethics.
Latest Publications
"Management Tenure and the Quality of Corporate Bond Ratings". Schloetzer, J.D. and Zhang, E.X. (2021). Journal of Management Accounting Research.
“Between Online and Offline Markets: A Structural Estimation of Consumer Demand". Zhang, L. and Demirkan, H. (2021). Information & Management Journal.
"Residential coal switching policy in China: development, achievement and challenge". Chang Liu, Bei Zhu, Jinlan Ni, and Chu Wei. Energy Policy. Volume 151, 2021, 112165. (Journal Impact factor: 5.203).
"Generating authenticity in automated work." Jago, A. S., Carroll, G., & Lin, M. (2021). Forthcoming in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
“Omnichannel Battle between Amazon and Walmart: Is the Focus on Delivery the Best Strategy?” Jindal, Rupinder P., Dinesh Gauri, Wanyu Li, and Yu Ma. (2021). Journal of Business Research, 122 (January), 270-80.