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Campus Communications

Changes to UCAR and Motor Pool programs coming March 1

Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

As of March 1, 2024, UW Fleet Services's short-term vehicle rental service, UCAR, will no longer be available on the UW Tacoma campus.

Celebrating the Black histories of tomorrow

Sheila Edwards Lange, Ph.D., Chancellor

February is Black History Month.

Remembering the Holocaust, let us nurture a beloved community

Elavie Ndura, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion and Professor of Education

Working together, we can fulfill the vision of the founders of International Holocaust Remembrance Day and keep alive the promise of “never again.”

The transformative power of nonviolent action

Sheila Edwards Lange, Ph.D., Chancellor

On this day in which we pay tribute to Dr. King’s legacy and values, let us be unapologetic and passionate in our nonviolence. Let our hearts and souls be stirred, as we find new strength and courage to build the just and equitable world Dr. King envisioned.

Strategic Enrollment Planning process begins this month

Shannon Carr, M.Ed., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services

UW Tacoma is embarking on a strategic enrollment planning journey in collaboration with SEM Works, an enrollment planning consultant, and we need your input.

New Follett Discover course material tool available Jan. 31

Joe Lawless, Chief Strategy Officer

We will be holding two short training sessions to demonstrate the tool and answer questions for faculty as you prepare for Spring quarter integration. 

Winter Break Reminders

Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

As you prepare for Winter Break — when many of us will be taking time off or working remotely — here are some good reminders.

Welcoming Abby Zorn, Director of Organizational Development & HR

Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

Finance & Administration is excited to welcome Abby Zorn as Director of Organizational Development & Human Resources at UW Tacoma.

November is Native American Heritage Month

Sheila Edwards Lange, Ph.D., Chancellor

November is Native American Heritage Month, and the Friday after Thanksgiving is Native American Heritage Day. These observances are times for us to reflect on the American Indian and Indigenous people that have lived on this land since time immemorial.

FY25 UW Tacoma operating budget development kickoff

Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

The Washington state legislature will soon be back in session and preparing the state supplemental budget for FY25.