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Grading policies for MSW students
- Grades below 1.7 will be recorded as 0.0 by the Registrar and will not count toward residency, total credit count, or grade and credit requirements.
- A minimum of 2.7 is required in each course that is counted toward a graduate degree.
- A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 is required for graduation.
- Failure to maintain a 3.00 GPA, cumulative or for a given quarter, constitutes low scholarship and may lead to a change-in-status action by the Graduate School. Failure to maintain satisfactory performance and progress toward a degree may also result in a change-of-status action by the Graduate School (See Graduate School Policy 3.7 for more information).
- "Change-of-status" refers to re-classification from "good standing" to "probation" for up to two quarters, followed by one quarter of "final probation" prior to "drop." At any point prior to "drop" a student can return to good standing by reaching a cumulative GPA of 3.00. In some cases in which a student's cumulative GPA drops only slightly below 3.0 for a single quarter, the faculty is permitted to recommend a "warning" in lieu of automatic probation. Unlike probation, a warning does not appear on the student's academic record.
Graduate School policies relating to grading can be found at Graduate Practice for Graduate Students.
MSW grading scale
The University of Washington Tacoma Social Work Program faculty have agreed to use the following point system located on the MSW Grading Scale.