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Criminal Justice Core Courses
All Criminal Justice majors are required to complete each CJ core course and CJ Core Elective with a 2.0 or higher grade and maintain a 2.0 GPA in all major coursework.
Note: The courses listed below are not required to be taken in numerical order.
- T CRIM 225: Diversity and Social Justice in Criminology (5 cr)
- T CRIM 361: Mental Health, Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System (5 cr)
- T CRIM 362: Criminological Theory (5 cr)
- T CRIM 390:Introduction to Criminal Justice Research [W] (5 cr)
- Prerequisite: Introductory statistics course (2.0 grade or better)
- T CRIM 370: Police and Society (5 cr)
- T CRIM 371: Helping Skills in the Criminal Justice System (5 cr)
- Prerequisite: T CRIM 225
- T CRIM 372: Adult Corrections (5 cr)
- T CRIM 395: American Criminal Courts (5 cr)
- T CRIM 441: Senior Seminar: Professionalism and Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice [W] (5 cr)
- Prerequisites: T CRIM 371 and T CRIM 390
Criminal Justice Core Electives
CJ majors must complete 20 credits from the approved core electives list below; each course listed is worth 5 credits unless otherwise indicated.
All Criminal Justice majors are required to complete each CJ core course and CJ Core Elective with a 2.0 or higher grade and maintain a 2.0 GPA in all major coursework.
Milgard School of Business
- T BUS 300 Managing Organizations
School of Social Work and Criminal Justice
- T CRIM 155 Media, Crime and Justice
- T CRIM 156 Criminal Justice and the War on Drugs
- T CRIM 157 Miscarriages of Justice (5)
- T CRIM 158 Hate Crimes and Organized Hate in America (5)
- T CRIM 222 United States Federal Law Enforcement
- T CRIM 271 Introduction to the Sociology of Deviance and Social Control
- T CRIM 272 Restorative Justice
- T CRIM 275 White Collar Crime
- T CRIM 276 Mass Shootings in the United States
- T CRIM 352 Women in the Criminal Justice System
- T CRIM 360 Youth and Juvenile Justice Systems
- T CRIM 363 Criminalization of Immigration
- T CRIM 364 Criminal Justice and the LGBTQ Experience
- T CRIM 365 Facing Harm: Victim Offender Dialogue
- T CRIM 373 Criminal Evidence and Investigations
- T CRIM 374 Human Trafficking
- T CRIM 375 Men, Masculinities and Criminal Justice
- T CRIM 376 Harm Reduction
- T CRIM 377 Reentry Success: Exploring Experiences and Programs for Returning People
- T CRIM 409 Advanced Readings in Criminal Justice (1-5* cr)
- T CRIM 427 Disproportionality Across Systems
- T CRIM 428 Policy and Practice with Sexual Offenders
- T CRIM 430 Children of Incarcerated Parents
- T CRIM 433 Crisis and Trauma Interventions with Crime Victims
- T CRIM 434 Criminal Homicide
- T CRIM 435 Terrorism and Criminal Justice Systems
- T CRIM 436 Contemporary Social Work in Criminal Justice Settings
- T CRIM 437 Abolitionism and Revolutionary Criminology
- T CRIM 440 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
- T CRIM 450 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (1-15, max. 15** cr)
- T CRIM 490 Independent Research in Criminal Justice (1-3* cr)
- T CRIM 498 Criminal Justice Internship
*CJ majors may earn a maximum of five (5) credits from T CRIM 409 and/or T CRIM 490 as Core Elective credits. Review independent study guidelines and instructions for more information.
**CJ majors may only apply a maximum of ten (10) credits from T CRIM 450 as Core Elective credits.
School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
- T HLTH 425 Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- T LAW 320 American Constitutional Law: Institutional Powers and Constraints
- T LAW 348 Gender and Law
- T LAW 363 Law and Society
- T LAW 452 Minorities and the Law
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- T PHIL 200 Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Rights
- T PHIL 361 Ethics in Society
- T PHIL 453 Political Theory of Human Rights
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- No available courses at this time
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- TPSYCH 210 Abnormal Psychology
- TPSYCH 250 Human Cognition
- TPSYCH 401 Family Violence
- TPSYCH 406 Chemical Dependency
- TPSYCH 421 Social Psychology, Law and Society
- TPSYCH 422 Psychology and the Legal System
- TPSYCH 431 Sexual Deviance
- TPSYCH 432 Sex Crimes and Sexual Violence
School of Social Work and Criminal Justice
- TSOCWF 150 Suicide: Individual and Community Responses (2 cr)
- TSOCWF 351 Applied Statistics for Social and Human Services*
- TSOCWF 353 Mental Illness and Recovery
- TSOCWF 354 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- TSOCWF 420 Interpersonal Violence and Society
- TSOCWF 421 Cross-Cultural Grieving
*Satisfies the statistics prerequisite to T CRIM 390 Introduction to Criminal Justice Research and TSOCWF 390 Introduction to Social Welfare Research
School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- T SOC 265 Race and Ethnicity in the United States
- T SOC 335 Social Class and Inequality
- T SOC 437 Immigration Today
School of Urban Studies
- T URB 312 Race and Poverty in Urban America
Curriculum Overview
The Criminal Justice major is a 65-credit program comprised of core courses (45 credits) in five content areas: administration of justice, corrections, criminological theory, law adjudication, and research and theoretical methods. Core electives (20 credits) are drawn from multiple disciplines. Through the core courses and electives, students will be able to augment their interest in specific aspects of criminal justice.
To qualify for graduation with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and complete a minimum of 180 credits as outlined below:
Transferable college-level credits: General Education, Prerequisites, and electives | 45 minimum |
Core courses | 45 |
Core electives | 20 |
General electives | Varies |
Total | 180 |

General Electives
The course requirements for a degree will not always total the 180 credits needed to graduate. The additional credits needed to complete 180 college-level quarter credits are called "general electives." Students may choose from a variety of disciplines outside their major to fulfill general electives.
Please note: Students who have not met the minimum of at least 15 credits of Arts and Humanities [A&H], 15 credits of Natural Sciences [NSc] and 15 credits of Social Sciences [SSc] within their lower-division coursework must meet with the program advisor regarding selection of appropriate courses within an elective category to complete these Areas of Inquiry (AoI) requirements.
Program Petition for Course Substitution
Current social welfare majors, criminal justice majors or students who have declared the minor in criminal justice are eligible to submit course substitution petitions for review. You must supply documentation as outlined on the Program Petition for Course Substitution along with the signed form. Please allow a minimum of 7 -10 days for review. Decision notifications will be sent to your UW email address. Only college-level transferable courses are eligible for course substitutions (vocational-technical coursework is not eligible). All CJ core or core elective course substitutions must be approved by petition after CJ admission. A maximum of 10 transfer equivalent credits are allowed towards the 65 credit major.