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- Satisfactorily complete all required MSW coursework and practicum placements (refer to credits required for 3-Year MSW Program or Advanced Standing MSW Program) with a grade of 2.7 or higher, "S" or "CR" and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
- In order to graduate, 18 of the required credits must be graded numerically.
- Numerical grades of less than 2.7 or grades of NS or NC do not count toward the degree.
- Remove any X, N, or I grades posted on your transcript for courses needed to satisfy degree requirements.
- Complete all coursework, including approved transfer courses, within a six-year time period. Transfer credits must have prior approval.
- Complete Graduate School coursework requirements including residency requirements as stipulated in the UW Graduate Study Catalog.
MSW Academic Review Policy and Procedures
While enrolled, MSW students must maintain satisfactory performance and progress toward completion of the MSW graduate degree requirements. If a student should fail to meet satisfactory progress, steps will be followed as outlined in the UW Tacoma MSW Academic Review Policy and Procedures.

MSW 3-Year Program of Study
Advanced Standing MSW Program of Study
Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
Apply to Graduate
Graduation is not automatic. In order to officially graduate and receive your diploma you must submit a graduation application. Graduation applications are completed after the practicum coordinator reviews your practicum progress. If desired students may request a meeting with their faculty advisor to discuss future goals or meet with the program advisor to discuss the graduation application process and/or complete the application on site.
All students must apply for graduation on time by the seventh week of their last quarter. Students must be enrolled for at least 2 credits the quarter they intend to graduate. Consult with the Program Advisor and Administrator regarding procedures.
Like all of the University of Washington campuses, UW Tacoma has one commencement ceremony per year, held at the end of the Spring Quarter. All students who graduated in the previous Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring are eligible to participate, as well as those students who are going to finish their degrees by the coming Summer Quarter. If you expect to be a summer graduate, you have a choice which ceremony you would like to participate in, but you can only "walk" once.
Information about the ceremony and what you need to do to prepare for it can be found on the UW Tacoma Commencement website.
Hooding Ceremony
The Master of Social Work Program Hooding Ceremony will take place typically during the 2-weeks preceding the UW Tacoma Commencement Ceremony. At the Hooding Ceremony, a master's hood with the velvet band of citron indicating a degree in Social Work and lined with the colors of the University of Washington is placed over each MSW student's head by a School of Social Work and Criminal Justice Faculty member. Hooding is a symbolic gesture of honor in recognition of the MSW's advanced academic achievement. MSW Hooding Ceremony eligibility follows the University eligibility policy for Commencement participation.