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Sarah Young
Academic Advisor
Pinkerton Building, 221
Campus Box 358437
(253) 692-5879
REQUEST A COURSE CODE (School of Urban Studies courses only: T GIS, T SUD, T UDE, T URB, TCMP)
General Information
- Registration information
- How to register
- Find courses in the Time Schedule or using Time Schedule Quick Search
- Why can't I register?
- Request an add code for School of Urban Studies courses (T GIS, T SUD, T UDE, T URB, TCMP)
- Request an add code for other courses
URBAN-STUDENTS is an email list for current Urban Studies students. This email list will provide you with reminders of upcoming deadlines, registration information, job and internship opportunities, special events, graduation information and more.
Expanding your horizons beyond the classroom can help you make the most of your UW Tacoma experience.
- Join a student organization. CIVITAS is the School of Urban Studies student organization.
- Get involved off campus: find opportunities to volunteer, show up at community events, network, and more. Find some ideas on our careers page.
- Consider studying abroad to see urban settings in other contexts.
UW Tacoma Commencement
Undergraduate and graduate students receiving their degree in may choose to participate in UW Tacoma Commencement for the academic year in which they graduate. This is an annual campus-level celebration of the completion of your degree. To participate, you will register in May (specific dates TBA). This registration process will include purchase of your cap, gown, and masters hood; as well as reserving tickets for family and friends. Read more about Commencement at UW Tacoma, and register at
Graduation processes and requirements are different for undergraduate and graduate students. See the relevant section for details, and read more below and from the Office of the Registrar at
- Resources for first generation college students
- Resources for international students
- Resources for undocumented students
- Resources for veterans and military-connected students
- Center for Equity & Inclusion
- Disability Resources for Students
- Food insecurity resources
- Housing resources
- HuskiesCare Resource Center
- Husky Post-Prison Pathways
- Office of Indigenous Engagement
- Psychological & Wellness Services
- Student Advocacy & Support
- Student Health
- UWT Campus Directory
Undergraduate Information
You are encouraged to use the online Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) to check on progress toward your degree. DARS is a useful tool but it should not replace one-on-one degree planning with the Urban Studies advisor. Meet with the SUS academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan.
The following grade standards apply to all students in School of Urban Studies majors. These standards may be in addition to other academic standards at UW Tacoma.
- You must complete all core and core elective coursework by achieving a minimum 2.0 grade in each class. If a grade below 2.0 is received, you must repeat the course. Course credit will only be awarded once, and both grades will be computed into the grade point average.
- Courses taken to fulfill core degree requirements may not be taken S/NS (satisfactory/not satisfactory).
- Upper-division core courses completed at other regionally accredited four-year institutions may be applied toward the general elective requirement. Adviser transcript evaluation is available upon request.
- Upper-division courses considered for transfer credit will apply toward the general elective requirement.
- Read more about specific major requirements in the UW Tacoma General Catalog
- In unusual circumstances, students unable to complete work within the last 3 weeks of the quarter, a student may request an Incomplete Grade from their Instructor. This form will need to be completed per course in which the work as not been done. Use the School of Urban Studies Student Request for Incomplete Grade form to make this request for courses starting T CMP, T GIS, T SUD, T UDE, or T URB. For all other courses, please use the UWT Campus Incomplete Grade Request Form. *The granting of an Incomplete Grade is at the discretion of your Instructor*
Under exceptional circumstances, a student may petition for a substitution to the Urban Studies core or major curriculum. The petition is reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. You will be required to describe the circumstances of the course being petitioned. The decision generally has no applicability beyond the petitioner and is considered on a case-by-case basis. The decision does not automatically apply to other petitioners.
Before submitting a course petition:
- Consult with your academic advisor.
- Check your degree audit through MyPlan to see how your transfer and/or UW credit is currently being applied toward graduation and major requirements.
- Review degree planning worksheet(s) for your major(s)
After consultation with the academic advisor and it is determined that a course petition is appropriate, submit the online petition.
The review process can take up to 3 weeks to process. You will be notified of the decision by email. If you have any technical problems submitting the petition, contact us at 253.692.5880 or by email at
Students wishing to graduate with a degree from the School of Urban Studies must meet the following requirements:
- Satisfy University undergraduate graduation requirements. Read more in the General Catalog.
- Be a matriculated School of Urban Studies major in good academic standing with the University of Washington Tacoma.
- Complete at least 45 of last 60 credits in residence at the University of Washington Tacoma.
- Complete at least 50 credits at the upper division level (e.g. 300 or higher).
- Complete a minimum of 180 credits.
- Earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in each required course.
- Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for all coursework.
- Apply for graduation with a program advisor by the deadline posted by the University for the expected quarter of graduation.
Graduation is not automatic. In order to officially graduate and receive your diploma, you must submit a graduation application. Graduation applications are completed during an appointment with the School of Urban Studies academic advisor, and are due by the second Friday of the quarter in which you wish to graduate. It is recommended that you apply for graduation two quarters before your planned date of graduation.
The School of Urban Studies is excellent preparation for those interested in graduate study in such fields as public administration, law, or urban planning/design.
University of Washington Tacoma
University of Washington Seattle
- Architecture
- Construction Management
- Landscape Architecture
- Urban Design and Planning
- UW Graduate School
Portland State University
Other graduate school resources
MA in Community Planning Academic Standards & Policies
- Appendix 1: Required Coursework (PDF)
- Appendix 2: Policy on Student Performance and Academic Probation (PDF)
Students are required to maintain satisfactory progress meeting the university and program standards relative to scholarship and performance in pursuit of the master’s degree, including each of the following:
- Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA
- Earn a quarterly GPA of 3.00 or higher
- Earn a grade of 2.7 or higher in each required course
- Make adequate progress with practicum project as determined by the faculty advisor or committee chair.
Admission to the Graduate School allows students to engage in graduate study and research at the University of Washington. Continuation in the Master of Arts in Community Planning at the University of Washington Tacoma occurs only as long as students maintain satisfactory performance and progress toward completion of the graduate degree program as outlined in the Academic Performance and Progress Policy 3.7. Students must also meet the requirements found in the University of Washington Student Conduct Code. The Graduate Program Coordinator in collaboration with the Graduate Program Advisor monitors graduate student academic progress on a quarterly basis.
If a student does not pass a required course, the student must meet with the faculty teaching the course and the Graduate Program Coordinator before the beginning of the next quarter. Only in exceptional cases will the student be allowed continue in the program while simultaneously working to complete the failed course. Students are reminded to read and carefully adhere to the university’s policies. Please refer to the Graduate Admissions, Graduation Requirements for Master’s Degree, and Graduate Student Policies sections in this catalog or refer to the Graduate School website for more information.
All courses in the Master of Arts in Community Planning curriculum must be taken for a grade. No grades of S/NS or C/NC will be issued.
Along with the Graduate School requirements, courses taken to complete the 60 credits required for the degree must receive a passing grade (2.7 or higher).
Good Academic Standing
In order to be in good academic standing, students must maintain a minimum cumulative University grade point average of 3.00 for all 400- and 500-level graded courses taken after attaining graduate status at the University of Washington. In addition, students must complete and pass all required Master of Arts in Community Planning classes with a minimum grade of a 2.7 or higher. Students who earn a grade below a 2.7 or incomplete may be reviewed for satisfactory progress.
Low Scholarship
Failure to maintain a cumulative or quarterly grade point average of 3.00 or to earn at least a 2.7 in a required class is considered low scholarship. Low scholarship may lead to a change-in-status action by the Graduate School, including No Action, Warn, Probation, Final Probation, or Drop. If a student falls below this standard of academic performance, they will be evaluated individually on a quarterly basis by the Graduate Program Coordinator. The Registrar will record only those actions recommending Probation, Final Probation, and Drop.
A warning will be issued when the cumulative or quarterly grade point average falls below 3.00, or who fails to earn at least a 2.7 in a required class for more than one quarter. This status is initiated and documented by the Urban Studies program, but is not reported to the Graduate School and does not appear on the student’s transcript. A warning may be issued for behavioral concerns as well. A student must be notified in writing, and documentation must be placed in the student’s file.
Probation will be recommended for any student who has not corrected the deficiency which resulted in the warning. A student may not remain on probation for more than two quarters and will automatically be reviewed each quarter while on probation. Students who suddenly and substantially fall below a 2.7 in a required class will be placed on probation. In this instance, a previous warning is unnecessary.
Final Probation
After at least one quarter of probation, a student may be placed on final probation (for one quarter only). The Graduate School will consider one additional quarter in extenuating circumstances as noted in Graduate School Policy 3.7.3.
After one quarter of probation, a student may be dropped from the program. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the Graduate School only in extenuating circumstances. If the Graduate School accepts a drop recommendation, the Registrar is notified by the Graduate School, and the student is immediately dropped from the Master of Arts in Community Planning program. This final action is recommended for students who have not corrected the condition(s) that caused the final probation within the specified time limit.
Note: Action is taken for one quarter only and is reviewed each quarter. No action will appear on the transcript for any subsequent quarter unless a recommendation is made by the Master of Arts in Community Planning Program Director to the Dean of the Graduate School.
Students may appeal change in status directly to the Master of Arts in Community Planning Program Director. Appeals beyond this point must follow the process outlined in the Academic Grievance Procedure Policy 3.8.
Graduate Student Resources
In order to graduate, every master's student must make a master’s degree request through their MyGrad account during their final quarter. Requests may be submitted between the first and last day of instruction of the quarter of expected graduation. If a student misses the deadline to request their degree, they must pay a $250 late fee within 2 weeks of the end of the quarter.
After a request is submitted, the School of Urban Studies will run a degree audit to verify satisfactory completion of all required course work to date, and check with faculty to verify that the student is on track to complete their final quarter successfully. If the student is on track to completing all degree requirements, a recommendation is made to the graduate school that they be awarded the degree, pending completion of your final classes.
The degree request is solely the responsibility of the student. To request your degree, complete the degree request by logging in to your Student MyGrad Page. and click on “Submit a Master’s Degree Request Now.” Select the “non-thesis” option, and submit your request.
Graduation Ceremony
Each masters program celebrates its graduates with a program-specific celebration. In this ceremony you will be awarded a masters hood for completion of your program by your faculty, with family and friends in attendance. This will be a chance for your family and friends to learn a bit more about your accomplishment in completing your degree, and for personal recognition from the School of Urban Studies. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, you will need to order your cap, gown, and hood through the UW Tacoma Commencement registration process, even if you do not intend to attend UW Tacoma's Commencement.
You may choose to participate in UW Tacoma Commencement, the MACP Graduation Ceremony, both, or neither. We hope you will choose to celebrate the accomplishment of completing your degree with us at both, especially at the more intimate program Graduation Ceremony.
MA in Community Planning Graduation Ceremony 2024: Date and location TBA
MA in Community Planning
Program Coordinator
Anaid Yerena, Ph.D.
(253) 692-4910
MA in Community Planning
Academic Advisor
Sarah Young
(253) 692-5879
School of Urban Studies
General Information
(253) 692-5880