Main Content

- New Courses and Course Change Overview
- New Course Proposal Process
- Course Modification Process
- Course Approvals and Syllabi Statements
- General Course Application information
- Time Schedule
- Diversity Designation Information
- APCC Best Practices for Program Proposals
- Classroom, conference, event, meeting, or breakout room request - contact Program Coordinator
- DocuSign (UW e-signatures information)
- Employee Directory (UW Tacoma)
- Fax cover sheet
- Inclement weather policy
- International Long distance calling code - contact Program Coordinator
- Letterhead
Contact Program Coordinator for access.
Will I be able to roll over my unused Pro Dev funds to the next fiscal year?
As of the 19-20 fiscal year, unused Pro Dev allotments will not roll over to the next fiscal year.
What am I allowed to purchase with Pro Dev funds?
- Airline tickets for future professional travel
- Professional memberships
- Future Conference registration
- Books
- Software
- Data sources
- Academic subscriptions
- Training/courses
- Technology (computers, and accessories)
- Printer ink
- Office supplies
What am I not allowed to purchase with Pro Dev funds?
- Home office furniture
- Personal travel, that MAY be a professional travel
- Lots of other stuff, but these have been the big two asked about.
Where do I find my Pro Dev balance?
Please contact the Program Coordinator for the most up-to-date information.
My item is not on the list or I want to make sure I get reimbursed.
Any requests for reimbursement should be done here.
- A Travel Pre-Authorization Form is required for all travel reimbursements. The form is due 2 weeks prior to the travel date. The Post-Trip Checklist needs to be filed upon the conclusion of the trip.
- All non-consumable items purchased with Pro Dev funds are the property of the University of Washington and must be inventoried as such.
When funds are available, the School of Urban Studies will consider providing additional support to faculty to advance scholarship and teaching. This funding is limited in size and varies annually. Please note this funding is in addition to the regular annual professional development support that faculty receive.
For more information and to apply for Scholarship and Teaching Funds, please visit the STF Website.
- Electronic Academic Records System (EARS)
- Academic Alert
- A referral system through which faculty may identify undergraduate students who are having academic difficulty. Early intervention can provide students with opportunities to improve through meetings with academic advisors, referral to appropriate campus resources, and the creation of an action plan. Although earlier is better, the program is available at all times, throughout and between each quarter.
- CARE Team | Student in Distress
- Emergency situations - call 9-1-1
- Stated intention to commit suicide or inflict serious harm to self.
- Stated intention or obvious behavior indicating an imminent threat to harm others.
- Non-emergency situations
- SafeCampus: 253-692-SAFE
- CARE Team: Please contact the Dean of Students Office at: or 253-692-4901
- Campus Safety & Security: 253-692-4888
- Emergency situations - call 9-1-1
- Career Development and Education
- Center for Student Involvement
- Disability Resources for Students
- Financial Aid
- Grading Policy
- Grievance and Conflict Resolution
- Independent Study
- IT Essentials for Students
- Majors and Degrees
- Ombudsman
- Psychological and Wellness Services
- Teaching and Learning Center
- Registration and Time Schedule Guide
- Study Abroad Programs
- Tuition Rates
- University Academic Advising
- UW Graduate School (GPA/GPC Resources)
- Veterans Affairs and Military Resource Center
- Please familiarize yourself with the Student Conduct Code so you are in a position to judge correctly if a student should be reported for a violation.
- If you determine that a student should be reported for a violation of the Student Conduct Code, fill out the Student Conduct Incident Report Form. Send one copy to Student Affairs and one copy to the Urban Studies office (attn: Brian Coffey). Be sure to put the information in a sealed envelope and mark it confidential. Please document your claim with any written material that you deem appropriate. If the situation requires an immediate response, please contact Campus Safety at 253-692-4416. If the situation is a medical, fire or police emergency, please call 9-1-1.
- Academic Alert
- A referral system through which faculty may identify undergraduate students who are having academic difficulty. Early intervention can provide students with opportunities to improve through meetings with academic advisors, referral to appropriate campus resources, and the creation of an action plan. Although earlier is better, the program is available at all times, throughout and between each quarter.
- Canvas: Sign in and Help for Instructors and Staff
- CARE Team | Student in Distress
- Emergency situations - call 9-1-1
- Stated intention to commit suicide or inflict serious harm to self.
- Stated intention or obvious behavior indicating an imminent threat to harm others.
- Non-emergency situations
- SafeCampus: 253-692-SAFE
- CARE Team: Please contact the Dean of Students Office at: or 253-692-4901
- Campus Safety & Security: 253-692-4888
- Emergency situations - call 9-1-1
- Catalyst Archive
- FERPA Information for Faculty
- Field Trip Acknowledgement of Risk and Consent Forms
- Final Examination Schedules and Guidelines
- Faculty who have a good reason for requesting a change in the exam schedule should request permission in writing from the Urban Studies director at the beginning of the quarter in question.
- If you choose not to give a final examination, please set a specific time and place for your students to submit papers or projects to you. This can be done on the last day of instruction for your course or during your scheduled final exam period.
- Grade Change Form (Requires UW NetID)
- Independent Study & Internship Webpage
- Make-Up Exams by Undergraduate Education
- Student Photo Release Consent Form
- UW Syllabus Guidelines and Resources
- Textbooks: Online Book Order Request | Desk Copy Request Form
- Undergraduate Incomplete Agreement NOTE: This document is for departmental tracking only. You will still need to enter the incomplete when submitting grades. If this form is used for an extension you will need to contact the registrar prior to the last day of of the quarter to request the extension for the student.
- Use of Student Work Permission Form
- See Travel Services page for:
- Travel Pre-Authorization Form (due 2 weeks prior to travel) - see below for online form
- Mileage Rates
- Domestic Per Diem Rates
- Required Receipts and more
- Policies and Procedures
- SUS Faculty & Staff Travel Pre-Authorization & Reimbursement Online Form
To submit a Payment to a UW employee (including student employees), payment to a non-UW employee, payment to a UW student, purchasing request, or request reimbursement to a UW employee, please click here.
School Meetings
Meeting documents can be found here.
09/19/24 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Bamford Foundation Chart Room, Foss Waterway Seaport Maritime Museum
11/01/24 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom
12/06/24 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom
01/31/25 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom
03/07/25 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom
04/21/25 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom
05/23/25 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Tacoma Paper & Station (TPS) 110 | Zoom