Main Content
Winter Quarter - December 1
Spring Quarter - March 1
Summer Quarter - May 1
Autumn Quarter - September 1
Signed contracts are due a minimum of 1 week before the start of the quarter.

Required Forms & Deadlines
Step 1:
If you wish to pursue an independent study or internship, you must first submit an Independent Study / Internship Proposal Form. Submit completed proposals to the School of Urban Studies office (PNK 300) for review by the faculty. If a faculty member has already agreed to supervise you, skip this step and proceed to step 2.
Step 2:
Work with your faculty supervisor to complete the appropriate contract form (see below). The completed and signed contracts must be submitted to the School of Urban Studies office a minimum of 1 week before the start of the quarter.
Proposals Due Deadlines:
Winter Quarter - December 1
Spring Quarter - March 1
Summer Quarter - May 1
Autumn Quarter - September 1
Signed contracts are due a minimum of 1 week before the start of the quarter.
Guideline & Instructions for Specific Courses
T URB/T SUD 498: Internship
Internships provide students with the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom to real-world situations; increase their knowledge of practical approaches to dealing with urban problems and issues; and gain increased understanding of the manner in which policy is formulated and implemented by organizations and agencies dealing with the urban environment. Students will also learn about career choices and options while contributing to the betterment of the community. Prior to registration each student is required to complete a School of Urban Studies Internship contract which outlines details about the participating organization; student, faculty sponsor, and site supervisor responsibilities; learning objectives; and academic requirements. Generally, three hours of work per week is equal to one (1) credit, and students are required to write a three- to five-page paper per credit for their faculty sponsor.
Internships may be paid or unpaid. Payment for internship work is subject to business/agency policy and is negotiated between the student and the business/agency. Whether or not the student is paid has no bearing on the granting of credit provided all requirements of the internship contract are met successfully. Except in rare cases, an internship at a student's current employer will not be approved for credit.
T URB 498, Internship Contract
T SUD 498, Internship Contract
Find more on getting the most out of your internship from the UW Career Center.
T URB/T SUD 494: Undergraduate Urban Research
Undergraduate Urban Research is a course designed for students who want to participate in independent research. Collaboration with a faculty member on a project of mutual interest is required. Goals are to strengthen skills in research design, improve understanding of appropriate application of research techniques and methodologies, and enhance writing skills. You will meet with faculty at least once a week to develop a research topic and then evolve into independent research with regular faculty interaction. Prior to registration you are required to complete a contract that details the learning objectives and academic requirements.
T URB 494, Urban Research Contract
T SUD 494, Urban Research Contract
T URB 496: Community Service Project
This course is designed as a service-learning course that links academic study to community service in a manner such that each reinforces the other. By having students devise and implement a service project, the course increases skills in developing strategies and methodologies aimed at problem solving and community development. The course will improve understanding of how communities function, what problems they face, and the need for individual commitment in dealing with urban issues. It is also meant to increase awareness of civic responsibility and promote civic engagement. Open only to School of Urban Studies majors. Prior to registration you are required to complete a contract that outlines learning objectives and academic requirements.
T URB 496, Community Service Contract
T SUD students should use the T URB 496 contract.
- Select a topic. Determine what you want to read, research and write about. For internships, consider the type of setting in which you want to work.
- Choose the appropriate type of independent study from the list above.
- Consider which member of the School of Urban Studies faculty teaches courses in the area you are interested in pursuing. It greatly helps to have taken a course from that faculty member and have familiarity with the subject matter. Please note that part-time faculty are under no obligation to work with students on independent studies.
- Contact the faculty member to discuss your plan of study.
- Complete the Independent Study / Internship Proposal form and submit to the School of Urban Studies office by the posted proposal deadline above. Forms must be typed.
- If your proposal is approved, you will be notified that you can proceed with completing the appropriate contract. Forms must be typed.
- Ask your faculty sponsor to review and sign the completed form. For internships, you will also need a signature from your site supervisor. Make copies of the signed form (the original will be kept on file by the School Urban Studies) so you have copies for your faculty sponsor, your site supervisor (if this is an internship), and for your own records.
- Bring the original signed form to the School of Urban Studies office (PNK 300) to request an entry code for registration. The deadline for submitting paperwork is the first Friday of the quarter in which you intend to register.
- Completion of the form does not mean you are automatically enrolled. It is your responsibility to register using the entry code provided.
Tips for success
Start early! Prepare during the quarter preceding the one in which you plan to register for an independent study course or internship. Be aware that the professor you approach about sponsoring your study may modify or decline your request. Faculty members have many obligations and are not always able to take on extra teaching responsibilities. It can work to your benefit to be flexible; the professor you have chosen may be available to work with you during another quarter. Part-time lecturers may also sponsor independent study courses, but their time and office hours are often extremely limited.
Proposal Form
T URB 494 Urban Research Contract
T SUD 494 Urban Research Contract
T URB 496 Community Service Contract*
T URB 498 Internship Contract
T SUD 498 Internship Contract
*SUD majors should use the same contract
Finding an Internship
UW Tacoma Career Development & Education
UW Career & Internship Center
Association of Washington Cities
Community Engagement & Leadership Education (CELE) Center
City of Seattle Internships
Create an electronic Portfolium
Information for Employers
If you would like to set up an internship, please contact