Main Content Faculty & Staff Funding Requests Use this form for funding requests for any sort of reimbursement; professional development funds, start-up funds or practicum related expense or travel. The amount available for faculty or staff professional development and travel is determined annually.Money does not carry over into the next year - whatever remains unspent in your "account" as of the spending deadline returns to the School. Purchases must be made by May 15. The money can be used for any professional purpose (conference travel, professional organization memberships, purchase of materials such as books and other media), but remains subject to approval by the Dean.The money can be used for purchase of specialized software and effective 9/2022 can also be used to purchase hardware (e.g. laptops). If purchasing hardware, there may be other ongoing charges/fees associated with the purchase. The money can't be used for food and beverages, or anything chargeable to a grant.Purchase of "tangible" items such as books are subject to University rules and as such, these items become the property of the University, even though they may reside in a faculty or staff office. All items purchased with state or grant funds must be forfeited should your employment with UWT terminate. If you have questions about this, please see the Director of Academic Services or administrative staff for assistance.If item(s) are ordered and paid for online, then the item(s) must be shipped to UW Tacoma faculty or staff member SSWCJ address at 1900 Commerce St., Box 358425 Tacoma, WA 98402-3100. Shipping to a home address is strictly prohibited and will not be reimbursed.For travel related expenses, please see the Travel Services page where you will find the Travel Pre-Authorization Form. Please upload all travel documentation and receipts below, including private auto mileage forms, if applicable. Note, receipts are required for all forms of ground transportation (Uber, Lyft, Taxi, etc.) regardless of amount.For grant related expenses, please use the Faculty Grant Funding Request Form.For other purchase requests, please complete the form below and provide appropriate documentation and receipts. Note: Most purchases should be made by administrative SSWCJ staff in accordance with University policy using the SSWCJ procurement card or appropriate cost center. See staff for details.The webform only allows one attachment per submission. If you have multiple receipts or documentation to attach, you will need to submit multiple webforms for each item to be reimbursed.Reminders:The purchase of gift cards and food have multiple restrictions and University policies that employees are required to follow. All software and hardware purchases using University funds must be ordered and installed by UW Tacoma IT. All requests must be pre-approved in order to be reimbursed or paid by SSWCJ funds. Please see an administrative staff for further details if you have any questions. First Name Last Name Email Reason for Purchase Description of Items Total Cost of Item Have you already purchased the item? Yes Yes No No Do you have a receipt? Yes Yes No No All purchases are subject to pre-approval by the Dean. It is highly recommended that you discuss the purchase with administrative staff. Reimbursements for goods made with personal funds are for rare occasions when other procurement methods are not an option. If you purchased an item under these approved conditions and paid out-of-pocket, a receipt is required for reimbursement. If purchased, please attach your receipt here. One file only.15 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. PDF files are preferred. Add any brief special instructions or comments for staff below (optional) Leave this field blank