Main Content
If you have suggestions or requests for information to be included on this page, please contact Thank you!
Please note- all spending receipts and expenditures for the current fiscal year that use professional development funds must be complete and turned in by May 15.
- Frequently-used budget numbers are listed below. As of 7/1/2023 budgets are now called Worktags in Workday Financial. Provide all categories below when charging to these Worktags:
- Practicum-related expenses: Formerly 06-8334 (SOCIAL WRK CRSE FEE-T)
- Cost Center: CC100679
- Program: PG106585
- Fund: FD101
- Resource: RS100201
- Function: FN100
- Office supplies and other consumables, professional development expenses: Formerly 06-0390 (SOCIAL WORK-T aka General Operating Fund/GOF)
- Cost Center: CC100679
- Fund: FD116
- Resource: RS100216
- Function: FN100
- Practicum-related expenses: Formerly 06-8334 (SOCIAL WRK CRSE FEE-T)
- Per diem look-up
- Use this site to find lodging and meal per diem rates for your travel destination. This information is requested on the Travel Pre-Authorization Form.
- Your nightly lodging rate should not exceed per diem. Certain exceptions may apply. For more information, visit
- Faculty Research Grant Purchase Requests
- Use this link to request purchases or reimbursement for items related to a grant given by the SSWCJ.
- Faculty & Staff Funding Form
- Use this form for funding requests for any sort of reimbursement; professional development funds, start-up funds or practicum related expense or travel.
- Mileage Log
- Attach this form to your Travel Pre-Authorization Form to request reimbursement for mileage.
- Make sure to attach your Google Maps results as proof of mileage:
- Travel Pre-Authorization
- Visit the Travel Services page for the most up-to-date information on travel pre-authorization.
- Always submit the Travel Pre-Authorization form for signature approval via the Faculty and Staff Funding Form.
- Academic Program Review:
- CSWE Self-Study -- 2022 Reaffirmation:
- Faculty Activity Report (FAR) and Merit:
- Faculty Activity Report/FAR
- Faculty Activities Approved Example
- Faculty Review Criteria/Framework for Tenure-track faculty and Teaching faculty
- Promotion and Tenure:
- Reappointment:
- Service, Department, Funding and Information:
- Academic Alert
- Academic Alert is a referral system through which faculty may identify undergraduate students who are having academic difficulty. Early intervention with students on the part of faculty, advisors, and other campus personnel can improve students’ likelihood to succeed, although the program is available for faculty to use throughout the quarter. The goal of the academic alert referral system is to connect struggling students with support services across campus that may help them identify and remediate the sources of their academic difficulties
- Change of Grade Request Form
- CARE Team
- Any person who has concern for the well-being or safety of a student or the community, or who has reason to believe that a student may pose a direct threat to themselves or others, is strongly encouraged to refer the matter to the CARE Team. An academic or nonacademic conduct report may be referred to the CARE Team for consideration.
- Disability Resources for Students (DRS) and MyDRS
- MyDRS is a tri-campus, online system for registering, requesting, and tracking students' requests for disability accommodations.
- View and support students' accommodations by logging into the faculty portal.
- Follow this link for more information on how to manage disability accommodation requests:
- Contact DRS at
or to schedule a 1:1 consultation.253.692.4508
- MyDRS is a tri-campus, online system for registering, requesting, and tracking students' requests for disability accommodations.
- Field trip guidelines and sample consent form
- Grading scales
- Instructional Continuity
- As part of the UW Tacoma business continuity plan, instructional continuity is critical to our campus mission. In the event of an emergency that may result in the long-term suspension of campus activities and classes on campus, there are several online resources available to UW Tacoma faculty. Please take time to review the resources in our instructional continuity guide and incorporate them into your courses/programs. This document provides suggestions on how to prepare for disruptions, as well as steps to keep courses moving forward during outages and closures. Depending upon the time of year, or quarter, instructional continuity may be critical for final examinations, grading, and/ or graduation requirements.
- Always check the UWT Home Page: Official campus closures, suspended operations or delays will be announced there first followed by 253-383-INFO.
- MSW Advanced Competency Coverage
- MSW Foundation Competency Coverage
- Part-time Lecturer workspace
- All Part-Time Lecturers will use workstations in the Keystone Building, 2nd floor (KEY 202). This space has a printer; to print documents, please use copy code "4820."
- KEY 202 Rules and Expectations
- For additional assistance, please contact SSWCJ office staff.
- All Part-Time Lecturers will use workstations in the Keystone Building, 2nd floor (KEY 202). This space has a printer; to print documents, please use copy code "4820."
- Plagiarism and academic integrity resources
- Professional Standards Committee
- SSWCJ syllabi requirements
- Syllabi service statements
- Time Schedule
- Time Schedule Matrix (undergraduate courses only)
- W Course Guidelines for BASW
- Admin Staff Responsibility
- Bias Incident Reporting
- This process is open to all faculty, staff, students, and community members who may be on campus. It's meant to supplement, not replace, existing conflict resolution mechanisms at UW and UW Tacoma. However, when these processes do not address your specific issue, or when it's not possible or safe to resolve the issue on your own, the Bias Incident Reporting tool is available.
- Copying:
- Copy machines are available in KEY 202, CP 323, WCG 214, and WCG 307.
- Copy code: 4820
- Copiers are intended for small, simple, self-service jobs. Please utilize Copy and Mail Services in MAT 053 for complicated and/or large jobs. These jobs typically require a 24-hour turnaround time.
- You may also email the details of your request to Please make sure to include SSWCJ worktags CC100679;RS100216, unless charging your copies to the Practicum course fee, VPTRC, CWTAP or another cost center.
- Copy and Mail Services can also provide assistance in the creation and distribution of coursepacks to your students.
- Dean's Welcome Letter
- Equipment Checkout Agreement
- Laptop Equipment Agreement
- Faculty Council Minutes
- Letter of recommendation template for UWT BASW graduates
- Off-campus access to voicemail
- Procedure for Academic Performance and Professional Behavior Concerns
- Remote file and desktop access
- UW Alert
- UW Sabbatical Leave
- Web Edit Request
- SSWCJ Religious Exemption Process
- SSWCJ Letterhead
- SSWCJ Listserv List