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Anaid Yerena, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
2015 Planning, Policy, and Design, University of California, Ph.D.
2009 Urban and Regional Planning, University of California, Irvine, M.U.R.P.
2004 Architecture, Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey, B. Arch.
Pinkerton Building, 311
Campus Box 358437
(253) 692-4910
Anaid Yerena holds degrees from the Universidad de Monterrey (B.Arch.) and University of California, Irvine (M.U.R.P. & Ph.D.). As an architect, planner, and researcher she is interested in the public participation processes and activities related to housing and community development. Her research has a strong community-based component that provides knowledge to advocate for and empower disenfranchised groups. As an undergraduate at the Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico, she coordinated the development of the first Master Plan for the City of Montemorelos. She worked on the technical aspects of the Plan and set up a forum and interviews with local residents, these activities were crucial to building support for the Plan’s approval and implementation. While completing her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning at UC Irvine, she conducted research for the Los Angeles Legal Aid Foundation assessing potential housing sites for extremely low-income households in Long Beach, California.
Her current and future research interests fall within the domain of affordable housing policy in the U.S. and Latin America. These interests branch into two major topics, the development of housing (process and stakeholders, emerging models, and design) and locational choice of housing (both the specific siting of projects and individuals’ choices). As a secondary area of research, she is interested in the emerging field of e-government. Her academic background, professional experience, and cross-cultural and bilingual sensitivities, all inspire her teaching approach. Her aim is to provide opportunities to students in the classroom and communities to learn about collective action and community development in cities around the world. By promoting reflection on culture and context, Dr. Yerena hopes to encourage students to remember how their backgrounds enrich their own and others’ learning experiences and professional careers. She teaches: Introduction to Urban Planning, Statistics for Urban Analysis, Housing Policy, and Research Design.
Under Review |
Yerena, A. “Shaping Perceptions of Homelessness: The Role of a Service-Learning Experience” |
Under Review |
Yerena, A. and Casas, R. “A Place for Life: Striving Towards Accessible and Equitable Public Spaces for Times of Crisis and Beyond” (resubmitted) |
In Preparation |
de Avila, F. and Yerena, A. “The Federal Policy of Detaining “Undocumented” Immigrants in the U.S. and the Local Forms of Resistance: The Case of the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA.” |
In Preparation |
Yerena, A. Casas, R. and de Avila, F. “The Social Function of Property and its Potential Repercussions on Affordable Housing” |
In Preparation |
Yerena, A. “Housing Approaches in U.S. Cities Over Time: How Have Cities Adapted?” |
In Preparation |
Yerena, A. and Basolo, V. “Low-Income Housing and Green Building: Examining Sustainability Priorities in the LIHTC Program” |
In Preparation |
Yerena, A. and Basolo, V. “Property Rights, Tenure and the Finance of Homeownership: Policy Transfers Between Mexico and the United States” |
2021 |
Garcia, I., Jackson, A. Lee, A. A., Yerena, A., Greenle, A. J. and Crisinger, B. 2021.“Feeling Like an ‘Odd Duck’: The Experiences of African American/Black and Hispanic/Latin/o/a/x Planning Practitioners.” Journal of the American Planning Association (in press) |
2020 |
Walter, R. J., Colburn, G., Yerena, A. Crowther, K., Fyall, R. Pederson, M. M. 2020. “Conversations with Moving to Work Agencies on the Future of Policy Innovation.” Housing and Society 47(1), 1-21. DOI:10.1080/08882746.2019.1706067 |
2019 |
Yerena, A. 2019. “Strategic Action for Affordable Housing: How Advocacy Organizations Accomplish Policy Change.” Journal of Planning Education and Research (online first), 1-14. DOI:10.1177/0739456X19888000 |
2019 |
Kleit, R. G., Airgood-Obrycki, W. and Yerena, A. 2019. “Public Housing Authorities in the Private Market?” Housing Policy Debate 29(4), 670-692. DOI:10.1080/10511482.2019.1582548 |
2018 |
Scheller, D. and Yerena, A. 2018. “Neighborhood Concerns and Mobilization Patterns of Homeowners and Neighborhood Associations.” Journal of Public Management and Social Policy 24/25(2/1), 82-106. |
2017 |
Basolo, V. and Yerena, A. 2017. “Perceived and Actual Residential Quality: Explaining Residential Mobility of Subsidized Households.” Housing Studies 32(6), 841-862. DOI:10.1080/02673037.2016.1240762 |
2016 |
Basolo, V. and Yerena, A. 2016. “Using Social Media to Inform and Engage Urban Dwellers in La Paz, Mexico.” International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age 4(3), 11-28. DOI:10.4018/IJPADA.2017070102 |
2016 |
Perez, J.L. and Yerena, A. 2016. “Evaluating the Policy-Practice Gap in a Transitional Housing Program: An Innovation in Process Evaluation.” American Journal of Evaluation, 1-19. DOI:10.1177/1098214015617730 |
2015 |
Yerena, A. 2015. “The Impact of Advocacy Organizations on Low-Income Housing Policy in U.S. Cities.” Urban Affairs Review 51(6), 843-870. DOI:10.1177/1078087415571451 |
2013 |
Amenta, E., Gardner, B. G., Tierney, A. C., Yerena, A. and Elliott, T. 2012. “A Story-Centered Approach to the Newspaper Coverage of High-Profile Social Movement Organizations.” Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 33, 83-107. |