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The Center for Equity and Inclusion enhances student engagement with holistic education by offering supportive community building activities that promotes success for all students, including those from historically marginalized groups, empowering community members to understand differences and matters of social justice, and building a more equitable campus.
Anti Racism Statement
We are committed to confronting and dismantling systematic racism, including anti-Blackness, colonialism, xenophobia, and all other forms of oppression, bias and discrimination, wherever we encounter them as we work towards institutional equity and social justice for all.
The relationships we have within and across social difference that enable us to love our whole selves and be our best selves in a diverse and too-often unjust world.
Cultural Humility
The practice of listening to and sharing stories across social difference in ways that enable us to embrace uncertainty while expanding our worlds to include as many people as possible.
The individual and communal commitment to speak truth to power, build coalitions across difference, and build a more just world.
The responsibility we have as individuals and a community to prioritize justice, honor our commitments, and to repair the harms we may cause.
Social Justice
The commitment to social and structural transformation to create equitable outcomes for people across all aspects of social difference.
The celebration of the identities, achievements, cultures, and relationships we all bring with us to make UWT a life-giving place.