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Academic Year 2023-2024 Classes

Cheney Stadium
Sports Enterprise Management
T BGEN 370 Essentials of Sports Enterprise Management (5) Examines the profession of sports enterprise management and nature of sports oriented organizations. Focuses on the key managerial functions and organizational processes needed to plan, organize, lead and control contemporary organizations. Activities provide opportunities to improve communication, strategic planning, teamwork, social responsibility, ethical decision making, and professional capacities.*
T BGEN 485 Seminar in Sports Enterprise Management (5) Explores in-depth experience in details of making business management decisions in the sports industry. Examines, through a comprehensive project, sports industry issues and resolutions of those issues on the basis of the student's investigation, research and then presentation. Recommended: strong research and writing skills; courses involving application of research and writing.*
TBANLT 485 Business Intelligence (5) Focuses on foundations of data and analytics. Explains concepts by examining innovative uses of information systems, data, and analytics to support managerial decision-making. Explores how to collect, store, manage, and convert data into information, knowledge, and actionable insights. Recommended: proficiency in Excel/spreadsheets; and either TBANLT 411, or familiarity with data and database management concepts.
T MKTG 470 Sports Marketing (5) Examines the essentials of effective sports marketing activities. Topics include sports consumption, branding, sport segmentation, delivering the sports experience, developing and communicating the brand story, and leveraging the brand through sponsorship-linked marketing. Emphasizes communication, teamwork, and strategic thinking.*
Many other classes are electives for completion of the Minor in Sports Enterprise Management. These classes are offered in the Milgard School of Business, the School of Education, School of Engineering and Technology, the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, and the School of Urban Studies. Visit for the complete list.
Explore your future
Spring Quarter Classes Start March 28, 2023
All classes for Spring 2023 are hybrid
Seminar in Sports Enterprise Management T BGEN 485
Classes will be held at Cheney Stadium, Monday and Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm
Business Intelligence TBANLT 485
Mon - Wed - Fri, 9:30-10:30am
Location: SCI 105
Business Intelligence TBANLT 485
Monday and Wednesday, 3:40-5:40pm
Location: GWP 220
Classes included in the Minor click below.