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Your license plate is your proof of payment!
No matter where you park on campus, your license plate serves as your proof of payment.
- A properly-mounted license plate must be visible at all times.
- If your vehicle's front plate is absent or placed on the dashboard, do not back-in to your parking stall.
- Make sure you enter your license plate information accurately in the Pay By Phone app & the Parking Portal!
On-Campus Lots (pay with Pay By Phone)
Parking on the UW Tacoma campus is managed by UW Tacoma Transportation Services
- On-Campus lots are shown on map in dark purple
- Parking fees must be paid through Pay By Phone prior to parking
- You will receive a parking citation if you pay for your parking in the wrong app
- Rates and time limits vary by lot - see the table below for details
- All hourly lots besides Court 17 parking garage are open to the public
Pay for parking with the Pay By Phone app
UW Tacoma works with Pay By Phone to let you pay for parking in seconds at all campus hourly parking locations.
The app is a completely cashless solution, reminds you when your parking session is about to expire, and even lets you extend your parking time from anywhere!
Get started
- Download the app from the Google Play Store, the iOS App store or the Windows store
- You can also sign up on the Pay By Phone website or call 1-888-680-7275 to register
- Learn more: How Pay By Phone works
- For help with Pay By Phone purchases, including correcting a purchasing error, call the Pay By Phone customer support line at 1-877-610-2054
Street Parking (pay in Flowbird)
Street parking on and around the UW Tacoma campus is managed by the City of Tacoma
- Gold streets on map signify City-managed street parking
- Parking fees for City-managed locations must be paid in the Flowbird app
- You will receive a parking citation if you pay for your parking in the wrong app
- Fees and time limits vary by street - make sure to check the signs before you leave your vehicle!
- Uphill from Market Street: Free parking with 3-hour limit
- Market street: Free parking with 90-minute limit
- Downhill from Market: Paid parking with 90-minute limit
Off-Campus Hourly Parking Lots
There are many public parking lots around the UW Tacoma campus. We are not involved in managing any of these lots - please contact the parking lot manager with any questions about off-campus locations.
Free Hourly Parking Days
Parking is free for UW On-Campus hourly lots and Tacoma On-Street parking on the following days
- Every Sunday
- New Year's Day - January 1
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Third Monday of January
- Presidents' Day - Third Monday of February
- Memorial Day - Last Monday of May
- Juneteenth Day - June 19
- Independence Day - July 4
- Labor Day - First Monday of September
- Veterans Day - November 11
- Thanksgiving Day Holiday - Fourth Thursday and Friday of November
- Christmas Day - December 25
When one of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is a free parking day.

On-Campus hourly parking rates and limits
Lot Name | Pay By Phone ID | Location | Rates | Hours |
TPS | 19053 | S 19th & Jefferson | $3 for 0-2 hrs, $6 for 3-4 hrs, $10 for 4+ hrs | 4 am - 11 pm, 12 hr limit |
Tioga | 19050 | S 21st & Jefferson | |||
Cragle Lot + C Street | 19048 | S 21st & C St | $1.50/hr |
4 am - 11 pm, 3 hour limit Must wait 4 hours from when initial parking expires before you can purchase additional time in the same short-term lot. |
Pinkerton North | 19049 | S 17th & Broadway | |||
Court 17 Garage* | 19061 | S 17th & Court C | $3 for 0-2 hrs, $6 for 3-4 hrs, $9 for 4+ hrs | 3:30 pm - 11 pm M-F, 6 am - 11 pm Saturdays |
Whitney | 19051 | S 19th & Fawcett |
This table is accurate as of August 2024.
*Court 17 Garage requires an active Husky Card for access.