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Motorcycle Parking Information
Other helpful information
Update your vehicles in the parking portal (guidance here)
M1 Motorcycle/Scooter Permit
Great option if you only or mostly ride to campus!
Location: Valid for the four stalls on C-Street across from Milgard Hall and eight stalls on Court C and 17th, behind the Pinkerton building
Permit Type: Daily permit - valid from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm, 7 days per week
Rate: $60 per quarter
Students may purchase quarterly M1 permits. Employees may purchase quarterly, 9-month and annual M1 permits.
Court 17 Parking Garage
Keep your motorcycle or scooter out of the elements by parking in the garage.
Husky ID Card required for entry to parking garage - access hours are determined by your role on campus (student or employee). Please note that the 3rd floor vehicle exit will not open for motorcycles.
Motorcycle Stall Locations:
- Stall 34 (ground floor, outside of the Bike locker)
- Stall 149 (northwest corner of the second floor)
Hourly parking
Available from 3:30 PM to 11:00 PM paid through the PayByPhone app.
All other permit types
Already have a permit but your lot doesn't have M1 stalls?
If you have a parking permit for a lot that does not have M1 stalls, you may park your motorcycle or scooter in the M1 stalls in the Cragle lot or behind the Pinkerton building.
Park in designated motorcycle ("M") stalls
WAC Chapter 478-118, which regulates parking and transportation management on campus, specifies that motorcycles and scooters may not be parked in standard vehicle stalls.
If you already have a parking permit for a 4-wheeled vehicle...
- list your motorcycle or scooter as your secondary vehicle and park it in a designated motorcycle stall
- only park in Court 17 if you have a Court 17 permit
If you do not already have a parking permit...
- Purchase an M-1 permit, or
- Pay hourly to park in the Court 17 parking garage (evenings only, 3:30 PM - 11:00 PM)
As with all on-campus parking permits, your license plate is your permit!
- Make sure your license plate is linked to your permit in the Parking Portal
- Only one vehicle covered by your permit may be parked in the permit lot at a time
Please visit this page for guidance on updating your vehicles in the Parking Portal. If the Portal does not have the make/model of your vehicle, please email us ( and we can add it as an option.